Chapter 21. Snapback

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I pushed the last of my cardboard boxes into the back of my new white Range Rover.

"Is that it, honey?" my mom asked, walking out of the house. I looked back and nodded and closed the trunk door.

"Yep, all packed and ready for college." I said, smiling shyly. My mom beamed at me, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.

"So, when you go to college, does that mean I get your old room?" Aiden asked, walking out in front of my dad with Allie on his back. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head.

"No, Aiden. Allie gets my room, duh." I said, laughing at his expression.

"Woo! Ha, I get the bigger room than you, Aiden!" Allie said, poking a finger into his cheek. Aiden wrinkled his nose, moving his face away from my little sister.

"So, how are you and Cameron?" my dad asked, taking Allie from Aiden. I sighed, wiping my hands on my bare thighs (I'm wearing wind shorts, calm down).

"We're better, I guess. He did break up with Brooke again, he's started talking to the guys again, and he's wearing his normal clothes again. I guess me talking to him got him to revert back to the way he was when I fell in lo-" I caught myself. "When I dated him."

"Anna! Are you going to college already?" I heard a woman's voice ask behind me. 

I turned around and saw Cam's mom, Gina, walking over to me. I looked slightly behind her and saw Cameron leaning against his own black Range Rover.

"Yeah, yeah, I am." I said, answering Gina's question.

"Wow. It seems like yesterday we were over at your house having dinner before school started." Gina said, laughing. 

As she launched into a conversation with my parents, I thought back to that night. I smiled at the memory of Cameron and I having the flour fight in my kitchen. I don't know how, but a few seconds later I ended up standing in front of Cameron.

"Hey." he said, coming closer to me.

"Hey." I replied.

"So, Juilliard, huh?" he asked, fixing the snapback he was wearing. I nodded, looking up into his brown eyes.

"Berkeley, right?" I asked, pointing at him. He laughed, nodding his head.

"Yeah. I was going to go with Brooke, but then she decided to not go to college entirely." he said, still slightly laughing. I held in my own laughter.

"She could certainly use the college courses to be smarter." I said, raising an eyebrow. Cameron chuckled, nodding his head.

"That she could, that she could." he agreed.

"I'm sorry." I said. He looked at me with a confused face.

"What are you sorry for?" he asked. 

"I'm sorry for... everything that I've done (A/N: that Adele reference though). Letting you date Brooke, not telling you how I felt about you, getting jealous over nothing, breaking up with you, and finally--" I was cut off by Cameron lightly pressing his lips on mine. I kissed back, and we broke apart after a few seconds.

"Sorry. I just really wanted to kiss you." he said, leaving his hands on my waist. 

I smiled, looking down. I felt something being placed on my head and I looked up to see Cameron putting his snapback onto my head.

"You sure you don't want your snapback back?" I asked as Cameron got into his car an hour later.

"Nah, it looks better on you." he said, smiling and shutting his door. He rolled down his window as his mom gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug through the window opening.

"Bye, Cameron." I said as he backed out of his driveway. He smiled, waving at me.

"Bye, Anna." he said. 

Then, he was gone. I fixed his snapback resting on my head and walked over to my car. I was driving to New York, since I didn't trust airlines to get all my stuff to me. 

I hugged my parents, Aiden, Allie, and Gina all good-bye before getting into my car and driving off, starting on the road towards Juilliard.

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