Epilogue - Rising Sun

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Alyhonea POV

Everything hurts. It is a pain I have never experienced before. My limbs are screaming, and ignoring them isn't an option.

Wait. Angels aren't supposed to feel this much pain. At most, an ache, but this much pain was only to be felt by. . .mortals. Am I. . .?

The thought sends adrenaline running through me. I find the strength to stand, and then I look behind me. Nothing. No wings. I am a human.

With that settled, I look around the field of bodies. Angels had won. For every three dead Demons, there was one dead Angel. All those that could have gotten up had left. The field I am observing is one of those thought to be dead. My eyes find Marian. She has wings, but they have gone sour and are a nasty black. God had sensed her evil. Her wings are rotting. I wonder if she is dead until I see her back move. She is breathing. I keep searching the battlefield. And then I see him. Moden.

Moden is a few yards away from me. He also has no wings, but on his back there were some white feathers. Did that mean he was an Angel before his wings disappeared? Did that mean that God wanted us to be together?

I make my way to his body. Crouching, I rest my hand on his back where his wings once were. He tenses beneath my hand.

"Moden?" I say softly. He starts to move up. Soon, he is sitting up and looking at me. He has various cuts and a handful of bruises.

"We survived?" he asks in disbelief.

"Yes, but. . . Moden, did you know that you and I are human?" His eyes widen as he checks for his wings. He tries to make them grow but then he realizes that I am right. After the initial shock, a grin starts to form on his face.

"Do you know what that means?" he asks.

"I think I do," I reply, a soft blush warming my cheeks.

"Alyhonea, I love you. And honestly, I wouldn't be happy if I lived on this Earth with anyone else but you. I know I don't have rings, but will you marry me?"

I am taken aback. I thought he meant we were free to be together, but not like this. He proposed. At first I only stare. This was not what I thought "it" meant, obviously. Slowly, a smile forms on my face. The smile formed because I realize that that is exactly what I wanted. To be with him.

"Yes, I will marry you," I reply. Tears of happiness start to pool in my eyes and I move to hug him. We embrace each other for a minute until I break us apart. I get up and hold my hand out to him, which he takes, and uses to stand up.

"What do you say we go and start our new lives as humans?" I propose. He only smiles in response.


Five years later

"Mommy, look, I made you a picture," Sylvia said. She handed me a paper that had a circle with a face drawn inside of it. A smile dominated my face.

"I love it!" I exclaim. And I did.

"I love you," Moden whispers into my ear as Sylvia begins to draw again.

"I love you more," I reply, love adorning my voice.

"Is that how you get yourself to sleep at night? By making yourself think that you could possibly love me more than I love you?"

"That and reminding myself that when I wake up, you'll be at my side." Moden plants a soft but sweet kiss on my lips. Suddenly, there comes a knock from the front door. Moden and I share a look before I get up from the chair to answer the door. "Stay with her," I tell him.

Once I reach the door, I take a deep breath while placing my hand on the knob. I may not be an Angel anymore, but I could still feel his presence. Finally, I just turn the knob and open the door.

"Hello, Gabe," I say, looking up at Gabriel. Gabriel had tried to come before and get me to become an Angel again, to tell the Messengers to tell God that I had only been confused. Sylvia was more than enough proof that this was anything but confusion.

"Have you truly made a decision? This is the last time I can come request this. Marian isn't there, so you honestly have no one to worry about," he starts as he has every other time he's tried to convince me.

"Gabriel, I'd like you to meet someone," I say before calling Sylvia over. Once she arrive, his eyes widen. "I know what I want, and being an Angel is not that. Our Father knew very well that I was not confused. Please leave." Gabriel glances at me once more, then he turns his back on me and flies away. I turn back as well, and Moden is there when I do turn.

"Is he. . ?" he begins.

"He's not coming back." I close the door behind me. I know what I want. Moden and Sylvia.To be human is how I get that. I am happy.

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