Chapter 5: Every Summer Has Brothers, Chicken, and Poured Lemonade?

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"Do you think he likes this?" Lyah asks, holding up a red dress.

"Didn't he tell you to dress comfortably?"

"This dress is comfortable right?"

"If you like having air squeezed out of you..."

I was sitting on her bed while she looked through her closet looking for the best thing to wear on her date. Apparently, while Reed was ruining my chances for a date, Caden went ahead and asked her out. Obviously, she didn't hesitate to agree to the date because now she was crazy stressed about what she would wear.

"Do you know where you're going?" I asked.

"No, he said it would be a surprise." Of Course  "What if I'm wearing a dress and we go rock climbing, or I'm wearing skinny jeans and we go hiking and..."

"Stop." I say getting up. I head over to her closet that was surprisingly filled with clothes, and take out a few things. "If he likes you, he wouldn't care, and if he told you to wear something comfortable, he's probably thinking you're going to wear what you usually wear, so wear that."

I throw her one of her favorite dresses with pockets and she smiles brightly before heading off to the bathroom to change.

My phone buzzes to indicate a text from someone. Reed flashed up on the screen but I don't remember him having my number or me his.

Reed: he's into those dresses she wears

Jacey: is he freaking out as much as Lyah is?

Reed: if freaking out counts as pacing around the room a hundred times

I laugh, just as Lyah comes out with the dress. She twirls around for a bit, checking the back and front with certain poses before she's content with her outfit. She really has nothing to worry about. I mean, since we all live in the same house Caden has probably seen worse of her.

Reed: is she done now?

Jacey: about. Just tell him to wait at the door.

Reed: he's been waiting

Jacey: then it won't hurt to wait a little more



Lyah walks out with a deep breath and heads for the door, not looking where she was stepping so she collides right into Caden who was, as told, pacing around the room. Before she could fall, Caden grabbed her arm and forced her into an upright position, looking into her eyes.

Reed was just sitting on the couch eating chips while I stood there awkwardly. Finally, they realize the trance they were in and head out the door while I took a seat next to Reed.

"Move over." I say, grabbing for the chips.

"You're not changing the channel."

"I wasn't going to."

On the TV was ESPN talking about football teams and how bad the refs are or something. I could see they were talking about college football.

"That's your team." I say, more like a statement than a question. The person on the screen throwing the football around was the same height and body shape and walked similarly to the way Reed does. Not that I've been watching him closely or anything.

He just nods his head and watched closely as the guy on the screen critics him. The way he throws, early releases, pump fakes, and other things about staying in the pocket. He just watches carefully, thinking about every word they say.

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