Every Summer Has A Group Of Friends

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Well shit. How am I supposed to be the perfect girlfriend when the perfect girlfriend was standing right in front of me, giving me a bitter smile. I shouldn't have agreed to this. Seriously, being dumped into the water would be better than embarrassing myself in a party where I didn't know anyone.

"AYYE REED." A yell from behind startles me.

A guy a little shorter than Reed was standing with one hand up and another holding a beer that was probably empty. He gave me a look then turned to Reed then looked at Whitney then to Reed again, a smile was growing on his face.

They do one of their guy hugs and throws Reed a beer, even if they were close enough to just hand them to one another, and gives me a lasting look. It wasn't like he was into me or anything, he just wanted to get a better view more like. Usually, this would make me uncomfortable but the guy just looked overall friendly.

"Levi." Reed grins. "How long's it been?"

"Well, I mean, ever since you got me kicked off the team and replaced me I guess." He grins back. "Who's this?"

"Jacey. Meet Levi."

I smile a genuine smile and shake his hand that was, not surprisingly, sticky from what I'm guessing is the dried beer. I completely forgot Whitney was standing 5 feet away.

"My boyfriend." She says, twirling around to give him a kiss, her eyes not once left Reed, who's smile didn't falter.

I could tell he was just as confused as me so I guess he wasn't aware that his ex girlfriend was dating his friend. Isn't that a rule in some kind of bro-code? Don't date your friend's ex.

Thankfully, Lyah and Caden appeared beside us to de-awkward the situation. At Least a little bit. Caden obviously didn't like the look of Whitney and Levi together but Lyah probably mistook that for checking out another girl, because she pulled him away towards the pool.

I walked towards the flashing lights of the pool while Reed followed closely behind. He was being waved to left and right which didn't make me feel at all better at my situation. I wasn't exactly doing a good job of faking the stereotypical love story.

"Where are you going?" Reed asks me.

"Towards the food."

"Of course." He rolls his eyes. "Get me something too, I'm going over there."

He points to a group of guys that were somewhat similar to him. It looked to me like that was his football team. If I cared enough, I could specifically say which guy played which position by their body types. It was a fun game I played while sitting on the sidelines of my brothers football practice.

"Hey babe!" Reed yells. "Come over here and meet the guys!"

For some reason, my heart flutters, but that's probably because I lost my footing and almost slipped into the pool. I was still carrying my food too, which would be really sad. Wet pizza is never good, personal experience.

I got to Reed after dodging the maze of people and his arm is snaked around my waist. He grabs his pizza slice, which was actually supposed to be mine, only leaving one for me.

"I thought you were going to call me Jia?" I whisper up to him.

"I like the sound of 'babe' better." He shrugs, then turns his attention to his group of guys.

"Jacey, this is Beckham, this is Wes, that's Rick, that's Max, over there's Shawn and here's Walter Kellogg. Just call him H20." He says. "Guys, my girl, Jacey."

All of them looked pretty much alike but in different heights. The same varying shades of blue eyes and varying darkness of blonde hair. All except for Max and H20. Max had dark brown hair and brown eyes and H20 had black hair black eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2015 ⏰

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