Chapter One: Happy Birthday Steve.

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Karen sucked in a deep breath, staring at her best friend's house. Not only was it The Fourth Of July, but it was who else but Steve Roger's birthday!
She knows very well how he hates birthdays and never liked the attention, but she couldn't help herself but to bring him a small present.

She stood at his door with the gift in her hands and knocked slightly, causing the door to open and reveal a tall, muscular man.

"Bucky!" She cheered, holding the gift tightly while wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him in a hug.
He chuckled delicately at her excitement and pulled her in for a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey, what's that?" He pointed to the box in her hand. She looked down and halted.
"Oh, just a little something for Steve. Is he home?"

Karen was planning on admitting her feelings for Steve today, at night, when the time is right.
"Yeah he's in the kitchen," He stepped aside to let her in, and closed the door afterwards. "I'm forcing him to bake a cake with me for his birthday. Steve! Karen's here!"

She set the gift on a lamp table nearby and smiled at the sight of her short friend poking his head out the hallway.
He was ridiculously skinny, what with his cheeks sucked in and pale noodle arms.
But she loved him anyway.

"Hey Karen." He walked towards her and hugged her tightly, as did she to him.
"Happy Birthday, Steve." She whispered after pulling away. He rolled his blue eyes in an exaggerated way. "Ugh, don't remind me."

She ruffled his blonde hair while laughing and followed him into the kitchen where the smell of chocolate lingered in her nose.

"Guys, I'm heading off to get drinks, alright?" Bucky announced before quickly heading out the door. They simply waved to their friend and went back to baking.
"It smells amazing, I'd never expect Bucky to be a good baker!" She complimented once he set the cake in the oven carefully with the mitts.
"I'm the one who did all the baking, thank you very much." He corrected her. She rolled her eyes as well and went into the lounge room to get his present.

She returned back to the kitchen with it in hand and earned a very confused look from Steve.
He pointed towards the box while looking up at her. "What is that?"

"It's a-"

The door suddenly burst open and in came Bucky rushing with a huge smile on his face.

She looked down at Steve and found him staring at her. She then ran out the door with Bucky and gasped with amusement at the beautiful colours blasting in the air, mostly blue, white and red.

"They're beautiful." Karen whispered to herself, but earned agreements from her friends.

Bucky brought his attention back to wanting to get drinks and said goodbye one more time before leaving. Leaving Karen and Steve to go back inside his humble abode.

"As I was saying," Karen continued while Steve shut the door behind him. "I got you a gift!" She announced happily, grabbing the box from the table and holding it in front of him.

"Karen, you really didn't have to..."

"Nope!" She cut him off. "I had to. It's bad enough I didn't get you anything last year."

"Because I told you not to." Steven grunted. She ignored his negativity and handed him the box forcefully, making him chuckle slightly.

"Alright, alright." He unwrapped the ironic blue, white and red wrapping paper and opened the box, allowing a small gasp to escape his lips.

"I knew you loved Kate Smith's God Bless America song, so I got you the album." She informed. Steve looked up at her with a small grin and thanked her.

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