Chapter Eighteen: Porn Sites Are Interesting

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"Do you ever take a break?"

I shook my head and sipped my wine as the piercing eye was too distracting to stare into.
"People are dying, Howlite. The day I take a break from all this," I motioned my hand around me, addressing the Avenger's tower.
"Might as well be the day I die."

"It's unhealthy, Karen. You know there's no stopping the cluster." The small, higher class gem offended, underestimating my power. I gave her an unnoticeable glare and smiled.
"There has to be one way or another. How are the gems doing?"

"Don't try changing the subject. I'm worried about you!"
"They're backstabbers, y'know?" I zipped her, feeling satisfaction as her worried look softened.
After what Peridot told me, I remember what it feels like to be betrayed again, and again, and again.
It's too sad she's just too blind to see. One eye is never enough.

"They made the cluster. Destroying the Earth is intentional. Thanks for the wine by the way, how old is it?" She was obviously annoyed by me. I knew there would be a day where she'd grow to love the gems more than me, happens to everyone.

"Older than your sorry ass! Don't assume anything like that! The gems are nice people."
"Oh they're not people." I politely informed her. "They're killers."

She was surely giving up on me, and I honestly couldn't bring myself to care. My long-life companion is leaning towards the enemy's side, and I believe the right thing to do is to stick where you know is right.
"You got that from Peridot, didn't you? You're believing the bad guys now?" She huffed and crossed her arms over her flattened chest.
"Bad guys tend to be good guys..." I slammed the empty wine glass down on the glass table and leaned closer to Howlite. "Good guys tend to be homicidal guys."

A clearing of a throat brought our attention to Tony, stood at the stairwell. He was holding a cup of coffee and his smart mobile.
"Am I interrupting something?" He smirked, leaning his elbow on the iron stairwell. This meant our conversation was over. Most importantly, it meant Howlite and I would be taking different turns now.

"Not at all." She spat out and jumped from her seat, her small legs taking her to the warp pad back to Homeworld.
"I'll be on my way, and I'll make sure to tell Yellow Diamond that she'll be seeing from you soon, Kyanite."

I felt guilt as she teleported away. I didn't intend for us to be on different sides, I just don't want her to be fooled by what once the Crystal Gems called their 'loyalty'.
Unhappy with the encounter I had with her, I decided to go back home and let my mind relax and be clear, try to forget about the growing entity beneath our crust.

As I walked past Tony, he glanced at me with an apologetic look, as if I was hurt by her assumption of me giving in to Yellow Diamond.

Which, actually, doesn't seem like too much of a bad idea...


I sat in the driver's seat of my car, the back of my head pressed against the seat's head as I stared at the automobile in front of me beginning to drive off. I was awaiting for an important aroma that would remind my organism that it is in need of its daily consumption.

'Ma'am?" The severely acned pubescent had knocked on the glass of my car. I pressed a button to roll the windows down and stared at the brown bag with the infamous red and yellow logo on it.
"That will be 15.99."

I took my sunglasses off, not caring if I reveal the colour of my skin anymore. It's not like the whole world doesn't know about it, anyway, and fished through my purse, hearing the hitch of his breath as I did so.

I pulled out a few bucks and handed it to him, my blue hand stretching from out my hoodie.
"Keep the change." I muttered, sliding back as he stared at me with utter surprise before I drove off when I got a call from Steve.

His face popped up on the board of the car. I slid my finger against the green answer button and continued driving while eating.
"Hey, honey, how's it going?" I mumbled trough my food and swallowed.

"Where you at, sugar?" I was too used to Steve's sudden calls of help, if you hadn't noticed.
He gave me the coordinates before cutting off. I finished the last bite of my burger and parked next to Stark's tower, pressing the button located on my earpiece.
"Hi, Hill! How's it going?"

Before she could answer, I already saw her quickly marching outside with a small bag in her hand, her hips moving from side to side as I eyed her up and down.
"'Lookin sexy."

"Don't ruin it, I spent way too long trying to get a vegetable oil stain out." She opened the back door and set the bag inside and tapping on the hood of my car.
"Can't promise you anything." I unbuckled my seatbelt and squiggled into the back seat to change my clothes. I would try to do a Clark-Kent-changing-in-a-phone-booth reference, but it's the wrong company.

I unzipped my hoodie and began to try to zip down my pants as Maria Hill gave me a shocking look, snapping left and right before poking her head inside the car.
"What are you doing, Smith?! People are looking!"

I glanced outside and saw a group of pubescents high fiving one another while taking photos of me inside the car.
I delicately pushed her head out and raised my hand up to the sky, giving my wrist a flick. My electromagnetism attracted the phone from their hands with a swift motion, queuing up a roar of disappointment from them.

I deleted all 10 pictures of me (even in the recently deleted) and wrote a reminder for a minute later. "Grow the fuck up (:" was what it said.
I handed Maria the phone and slid my pants off. "Boys these days, can't just go online and search 'avatar tiddies.'" I sighed, unfolding my suit and beginning to slide in it like a sausage.

"That's a science fictional film, Smith."

"But they're blue." I grunted. "You know how many porn sites make parodies of that film?"

"I don't wanna kno-"

"At least 30. 30, Maria. They can't go online to look at that instead of staring at me, how disgusting." I squiggled back into the front seat and tied my hair up, feeling the yellow bolt in the middle of my suit already begin to charge me.
"Take care, Smith."

hello darkness my old friend.

civil war is out, meaning I can finally return back to this shitty excuse of a fanfiction B) later dudes xxx -Bella

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2016 ⏰

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