Chapter Sixteen: The Dead Captain.

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Karen's P.O.V

"...Hello, Kyanite."
My eye twitched from the sight of her standing with a smug smile on her half-masked face. But I knew who she was.
I didn't think twice before immediately darting outside the glass doors and slammed my back against the opaque wall in shock, where Maria stood, holding her clipboard, with a worried look on her face.

"Is there something wrong?" She spoke up after a long silence. This is unbelievable. Gems are SCARED of humans, she can't just be here and suddenly make herself comfortable with Fury! SHE CANT.
Of course, those were my thoughts. I couldn't just scream it out to Maria.
"She's one of the Crystal Gems." I blurted, rubbing the bridge of my nose. I looked back inside and found her crossing her arms, awaiting for me to enter.

"She doesn't look like a gem..." Maria thought. I stepped up and began entering the room once again after my crazy outbreak.
"Take her glasses off, she has three eyes." I sighed before entering.
Of course they'd send a gem and state that she knows more about Peridot than I do. And I stand corrected, no human knows about the Yellow Diamond companions.

I walked straight to Fury's desk and cleared my throat, looking away from his glaring eye.
"This is my first time working with two aliens, I'd expect you two to like each other."

"Oh I like Kyanite. Shes the daughter of-"

I turned around and widened my eyes at Garnet as to tell her to shut it. She jokingly slid her fingers over her lips as a way to zip them and threw the imaginary key away.
"I have nothing against Garnet. This would of been better if you told me you were sending a gem and not a human."
I replied to Nick.

"If you knew me, you'd know I love surprises. Maria Hill will actually be joining you, but just to control the jet since you two seem to be unfamiliar with quinjets."

I turned to Garnet to see if she knew how, and she just shrugged.
"Karen, your teammate will return to her home once the job's done with Peridot. I want you to collect all information about the ship she landed in, bring bits and pieces of it if you have to. Understand?"

"I'm very happy to see you again, Kyanite-"

"Will you stop calling me that? My name's Karen! Karen Smith!" I snapped, my arms crossed. I know I'm acting like a complete bitch towards her, but I'm just angry that they couldn't trust me to do this on my own.

We followed Maria towards a large garage, where all the jets stood inside.
"I address crystals by the gems they have. And your gem is Kyanite."

"Well, you don't address Steven as Rose Quartz, do you." I mocked, walking ahead.
Steven Universe is Rose Quartz son. He's not much of a crystal gem, but he'll get there when he's older.
I didn't feel Garnet walking with me, and turned around to see her stood with a small frown, staring ahead.

She snapped her head to me and smiled, continuing her walk. It seemed like she had a little vision going on.
I was about to question what had happened, but I was too awed by the garage door opening.
Inside, about hundreds of quinjets stood. They were unbelievably large in size, too.
"Alright, gems, get inside." Maria brought a small step ladder at the side of one of the jets were the entrances were.
I followed behind Maria instantly with Garnet on my tail. We stepped inside the roomy jet, and it looked just like the ones we used to fly when defeating Ultron.

"How long until we get there? We can't waste any time from finding Peridot."
I noticed Garnet had a slight British accent. It's never really noticeable until she speaks a full sentence.

"From New York to France, it should take about 7 hours." Maria sat at the pilot area.
I slumped down on one of the seatings next to a window and began pulling out my phone from my pocket. I glanced my head up and noticed Garnet stood frozen with smoke coming out of her.
"Yo, Garnet, you alright?"

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