Chapter Four: Super Soldier Serum

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It's been weeks since Karen and Steve have been in contact, and it's because of one, little secret.
Karen was an agent and assistant of Agent Carter, and she's been extremely busy with her.
Carter is training a group of men, trying to find one man fit for a little invention named the Super Soldier Serum. Designed by Dr Abraham Erskine, it's purpose is to amplify everything that is inside, so good becomes great, bad becomes worse. That's why a certain man was chosen to be tested on, but Karen mustn't know his name until the day of the experiment.

"He's a scrawny little man," Peggy explained, washing her hands in the sink before Karen handed her a towel, listening carefully.
"But Dr Erskine believes in him, and so do I," she placed the towel on the handle and left the ladies bathroom with Karen on her tail.

"I will be picking him up. Go to the Brooklyn Antique store, there will be an old lady who will ask you about the weather, and you reply with "Yes, but I always carry an umbrella." She will take you to the lab, and there you will meet the press and Dr Abraham. Make sure they're settled at the booth before we arrive. Understood?" Peggy explained to Karen, and she simply nodded. She grabbed her purse and jogged out of the house and to her car to said destination.


"Ah! Agent Smith, come here. This is-"

"Fred Clemson. State department." Karen shook the hand of the man in grey. He had a rough grip on her hand which made her quite uncomfortable.
He turned to Chester. "If this project of yours comes through, we'd like to see it used for something other than headlines..."
Karen nodded. "Of course, sir. Right this way." She lead him towards the booth and sat him right at the top.

She then climbed down the stairs to where Dr Erskine was with a few nurses, ready to see the test subject for this project.
"I saw you at the Pavilion a few weeks back." She said as she helped the nurses gather the tools.
"As did I."

The door of the lab suddenly opened loudly, grabbing the attention of everyone. They all glanced up in silence at Peggy and Steve Rogers stood, looking down at everyone.

"Steve?" Karen whispered. She was dumbstruck at first, but quickly started running up the stairs.
"Karen?!" Steve exclaimed once she came in sight. Surprised, they both hugged each other while widening their eyes, until Peggy cleared her throat.

"Sorry." He grunted under his breath. Karen was ecstatic with excitement, he finally got what he wanted.
She lead them down to the lab where Abraham was smiling widely. "And I knew you'd be surprise to see him." He proceeded to shake Steve's hand just as a camera flashed, making him look at the camera man in disgust. "Please, not now."

Steve was eyeing the machine in awe, and they all stared at him, enjoying his joy.
"Are you ready?" Abraham asked him, making him snap back as he nodded.
"Good, take off your shirt, your hat and your tie."
Steve looked around, his eyes catching Karen's for a few seconds before he took his hat off, along with his other attire.

He sat on it and laid his back on the black leather, his Adam's Apple bopping up in nervousness.
Karen placed her hand on his arm to calm him down. He glanced at her with his brow furrowed.
"Comfortable?" She asked him and he nodded quickly. She couldn't believe that it was him that would be tested on. But at the same time, she knew he was perfect for it.
She nodded at Abraham and stood aside, watching the two men speak.

"Mr Stark, how are your levels?" Erskine turned around to see Howard walking towards him to get a look on Steve while Peggy and Karen simply stood watching.
"Level's at 100%, we may dim half the lights in Brooklyn, but we are ready, as we'll ever be." Steve was quite surprised to see Stark here, but then again, almost everything is designed by him.

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