Hawaiin Pizza and Drives with Strangers

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'We'll be back tomorrow with the rest of your stuff, ok? Will you be alright?' my mom asked picking her keys up from the kitchen island.

'yes mum, I'm eighteen not 8.' I groaned flashing her a weak smile.

'Just making sure.' She said, smiling.

'Bye' I said waving my hand as she opened the door and disappeared behind it, banging it shut.

The loud echo was the only thing to be heard for the next few seconds. I looked around myself. I had a new apartment, all to myself. The carpet was soft, the kitchen was clean and the bathroom was shiny.

Everything was perfect. There were still boxes everywhere but I could get to those tomorrow. Right now, I was really craving a pizza. I was so glad my internet and TV was hooked up, thanks to my dad. I mentally made a note to thank him.

I quickly searched up the nearest pizza place and sure enough, 'bubba's pizza' was only a block away. I quickly ordered my pizza and told them I'd be there in 10 minutes. I made sure I was decent enough to be seen my other human beings and made my way to the elevator. Pressing the button, I checked my phone and fumbled with my keys. I was naturally a very fidgety person and I could barely ever sit still.

Finally the elevator came up and in there was a (very attractive looking) boy. He had tanned skin, and was tall. Very tall. He barely noticed me entering the elevator and he half smiled at me before looking up again, shoving his hands further into his pockets. Why on earth didn't I touch up my makeup? Why did I leave my hair in a stupid bun? I undid my bun and styled my hair around my face trying to figure it out in the reflective doors in front of me.

'I wouldn't worry, they'll still find you pretty' someone said and I whirled around. 'what?' I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

'you're fixing your hair' he gestured towards the mirror. 'I have a sister and she always does that when she's meeting a guy or someone she finds cute.' He smiled. I blushed but my skin was quite tan so he couldn't see the red. 'Well I'm not meeting anyone.' I smile. It took a moment for him to realise.

'oh' he said chuckling. Oh my god his laugh was so cute. His eyes went all crinkly and his cheeks squished up. Oh my. 'well you're really pretty too.' He said. I looked up at him. 'Thanks, I'm Kiara.' I said, sticking my hand out. 'Calum' he said shaking it. His hand was warm and soft. That was unexpected.

'So where you headed to?' he asked. 'Umm, I think it's called bubba's pizza? I just moved here and I'm starving!' I giggled.

'awh, that's a great place, me and my mates go there all the time.' He smiled. The elevator dinged signalling we had reached the ground floor. 'well it was nice meeting you, see you later.' I said stepping out. 'yup you too' he smiled again. We both walked out and I flashed him a small smile before we walked out in opposite directions.

'wait, Kiara, wait!' I heard him say. I turned around and saw him jogging towards me.

'what?' I asked walking towards him. 'I'll give you a ride' he smiled.

'What? No you don't have to do that,' I replied.

'Don't be silly, I'm going in that direction anyways.'

I bit my lip, I was always told never to get in cars with strangers, but that didn't apply to cute guys, does it?

'are you sure?' I questioned.

'yeah, it's not every day that I offer rides to pretty girls. Wait no- that sounds super creepy Im sorry.' He said holding his hands up.

I laughed. 'umm okay' I said as he opened the door to his car. It was a Volkswagen polo and I know that because I had grown up with my dad who was a major car enthusiast. I can literally name every single car company.

Calum got in and started the engine. 'so Kiara, what kind of pizza are you getting?' he asked putting on his seatbelt.

'You don't even know me and that's the first question you ask me.' I laughed.

'well I happen to think that your favourite pizza can tell a lot about you.'

'Mmhm I agree, hawaiin though.' I said. His face lit up. 'yay, I love hawaiin too. Pineapple on pizza is the best!' he said.

I nodded 'so what apartment do you live in?'

uhh 7b' he said, distracted as he turned into another lane. '6a or b?' he asked as he parked right outside the pizzeria.

'b, so I'm right below you' I said. 'You sure could be, if you wanna.' He smirked.

I rolled my eyes as I whacked him arm. 'smooth' I commented. He grinned 'I try'.

I looked up at him, his eyes were warm and crinkly, his hair messed up and his smile made my heart skip a beat. I'd only known him for 10 minutes but it felt like I'd known him forever. Was that weird?

'so um thanks for the ride.' I said looking down as I tucked piece of hair behind my ears. 'enjoy the pizza!' he called out as I stepped out of the car. I waved as I watched him drive away.

I smiled to myself, I met a cute guy and he actually seemed interested. This kind of stuff never really happened to me. I was quiet and shy and made jokes when I was uncomfortable. This was something so different to me and I kind of liked it.

okay i redid this chapter cause it was super cringey and im aware it isnt good now wither but hopefully its better- R xx

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