Secrets and Sex

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I felt strong arms catch me and then I was pulled and pushed until I heard a door shut and I looked wearily in front of me.

'Kiara, right? Are you okay?' I looked up into Michael's green eyes, filled with worry.

I rubbed my arm, 'Yeah im fine' I lied.

'No you're not, you were having a panic attack.' he stated.

'yeah,how- my friend used to get those, the same symptoms as you I guess, heavy breathing, wide scared eyes' he explained.

'how did you find, how did you find me?'

'Oh, umm Calum was, um doing stuff and uhh, I thought you should know so I came looking for you and then I needed a piss and I was leaving the bathroom when you literally fell into my arms' he laughed nervously.

I bit my lip, 'was Calum with another girl?' I questioned, nervously. I really hoped he didn't say yes.

'oh god no, he wouldn't do that but I don't know if you know but he smokes and he only does it when he's drunk or nervous and we've all tried talking him out of it, but maybe he'd listen to you' he trailed off

My eyes widened, 'Calum smokes?'

'yeah he does' Michael answered, but I was already out of the bathroom looking for Calum. I spotted him outside with a bunch of other guys, smoking and drinking.

I walked up to him, it was so weird, just moments ago I was so anxious I couldn't breathe and here I was marching up to a bunch of guys all capable of throwing me over their shoulders with their pinky finger. (okay that may be a slight exaggeration)

I grabbed his tan arm and he looked down at me. 'Hey sweetie, where've you been?' he asked sweetly.

'You smoke?' I asked, ignoring his question.


'Why didn't you tell me before?'

'I don't know, never came up' he shrugged.

'You do realise youre paying money to someone to kill yourself, its just basically expensive suicide Calum'

He took one step towards me, and cupped my face in his large hands 'Do you want me to stop?' he murmured.

'Yes' I breathed out, plucking the cigarette from in between his fingers and flicking it onto the ground, before lightly stepping on it.

'Then I'll stop' he whispered. I looked at his lips, perfectly plump and pink, I literally just wanted to attack them with my own.

'I see you looking at my lips babe' he smirked.

I smiled and lightly pecked his lips but that cheeky little bastard didn't let me pull away as he deepened the kiss.

He finally pulled away smiled at me 'You're beautiful, you know that right?'

'I don't know, maybe you'll have to kiss me again so I'll really know' I teased.

'Gladly' he bent down to kiss my lips again.

'Hmm, I think I know now' I pulled away 'I'm going to go find Jessie okay?'

He nodded in response as I slipped back inside, it was getting a little chilly anyways.

After meeting a couple of Jessie's friends and drinking a lot of alcohol I was drunk and tired, pretty much like everyone else here.

'Hey do you know where Calum is?' I slurred to a figure in front of me. I didn't even know who I was talking to, he was tall and kinda blonde I guess.

'Calum Hood? Try the backyard' he replied. 'Wait, you're Kiara, aren't you? Michael told me about you. I'm ashton'

'I'm drunk, also Kiara' I giggled, and he cracked a slight smile, 'I'll help you find Cal, c'mon.'

He took my hand guiding me through the now thinning crowd of people.

'KIARA' Calum yelled, also clearly drunk as he engulfed me in a hug.

'Oh god, please tell me Luke and Jessie aren't as hammered as you guys otherwise you guys are gonna have to stay here' Ashton groaned.

But Luke and Jessie were aggressively making out in the corner. 'Doesn't look like it' Michael said, shutting the door on the last couple of people.

Ashton walked over to them and patted Luke on the shoulder and Luke, clearly annoyed turned around, as Jessie attacked his neck.

Ashton handed him a condom from his pocket 'Use protection'

'Fuck off' Luke said, but he took the condom anyways.

'Cal you and Kiara can take my room, I'm going to Bryana's hotel' Ashton said

'Have fun mate' Calum grinned, almost proud of Ashton as he led me into one of the rooms.

'So you wanna?' he smirked, waggling his eyebrows.

'I wanna?'

'You know, do the nasty'


'No, painting our toenails, yes of course sex'

'I don't know Calum, smokers aren't really my thing'

'Im not a smoker anymore' he said, and I could see he was annoyed with me bringing that up.

'Promise?' I asked lightly tugging on his shirt.

'Promise' he answered picking me up, as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

Let's just say the night was pretty much amazing from there on.

A/N- Yay another update! i dont know how i feel about cal smoking bc i love him with all my heart but the smoking is awful for his health and its none of my business but you know. atleast he looks hella hot while smoking...Anyways temme what you think :)

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