Midnight Sydney and Classy Assholes

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"And where would that be?" I questioned, a smile playing at my lips.

"Have you not any patience woman?" Calum laughed pressing the elevator button, but unexpectedly he pressed the 'up' button.

"We're going up?"

"Yeah, we are" he replied shoving his hands in his pockets. I didn't question him any further because quite frankly I loved surprises.

We stepped into the elevator and he suddenly spoke up "We met here" he said. "Yeah" I replied softly. We were both a little tipsy and my head was hurting now.

The elevator door opened up and we stepped into a dimly lit hallway. Calum gestured for me to follow and we climbed up some stairs until we reached a door. He was taking me to the roof.

He pushed open the door and held it open for me. The cool wind slapped my face, sending my hair flying around; it had come undone from the bun a while ago.

I looked around and you could see everything. The Sydney harbour bridge, the opera house and lights dotted the entire city.

"Calum it's beautiful!" I gasped as I sat down the edge. I was afraid of heights but something about being here with Calum made me feel safe, also I had a couple beers in me so I wasn't really myself.

"I know, I love this place-especially at night, all the lights it's breathtaking" he trailed off, taking a seat next to me.

We stared at night Sydney's beauty for a while before Calum looked at me again. "Let's play a game."

"What kind of game?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"The kind where I ask you questions and you answer them."

Calum, we just did that!" I laughed.

"I know but instead of 21 questions you could just talk about a topic, getting to know you isn't just about your favourite colour or how many bones you've broken." He smiled. "I really want to get to know you."

"Hmm, okay"

"Alright" he sighed, sticking his arms behind him and leaning against them

"Your childhood"

"My childhood? My childhood was amazing, I never realised how lucky I was until I wasn't a child anymore. When we were young everything was so much easier, dad was the strongest man in the world and mum was the prettiest, fairies paid good money for teeth and a bedsheet and a torch made the dining table the most magical place ever. But one day you're not a child anymore and you have to move out and pay bills and deal with taxes and I miss having a zit on my face the only thing I worry about." I finished, licking my lips.

He laughed "You know what, I'm still not a 100% sure what taxes are."

I giggled "yeah me neither"

"Okay so what about your first love? How old were you?"

I smiled "My first love was interesting, it was with this guy I had a crush for like 2 years all through year 5 and 6"

"Whoa, that's really young, I didn't have mine till I was like 13" Calum said, "You were a cool 11 year old!"

"I really wasn't, we would text all the time, and I'm pretty sure he told me he loved me but I can't remember what I said. It was all pretty scandalous in year 6. We would never talk in real life though we were way too shy, just text and we never actually did anything besides tell each weird and embarrassing stuff. But then he moved schools and we didn't really talk that much after."

"Aww c'mere" he said pulling me into him. "Calum that was like 8 years ago, I don't even remember what he looked like!"

"Still, no one should feel that kind of pain especially at 11!"

I smiled and leaned into him, he smelt nice, kinda like cologne and he just smelled comforting. He put his arms around me as I leaned into his chest.

"Okay Kia, last question"

"Hmm okay shoot" I said looking up.

"What do you think of me doing this?" he asked as he leaned in. The kiss was soft and gentle and his lips were still dry but it was nice.

I pulled away. "I think it's amazing" I whispered before crashing my lips into his again.

My head hurt. I wriggled around, I was on a couch- but it wasn't mine. Holy shit.

I looked down and I still had my top on, and I was in my underwear but that probably because I couldn't sleep in skinny jeans.

I turned around to see Calum, sprawled across the floor. He didn't have a shirt on, but he did have his boxers.

He looked so cute sleeping like that, his lips slightly parted and his hair all messy.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I probably looked like a train wreck right now.

"Good morning Kiara" Calum said, smiling. He had a really cute sleep smile on his face and he looked so adorable.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"Yup, the floor is surprisingly soft and comfy, like on a cloud"

"It's 7 in the morning and you're still a sarcastic dipshit!"

"Hey, Luke's a dipshit I prefer asshole, it's classier"

I laughed and rolled my eyes and suddenly the doorbell rang, shrilly.

"You get it" Calum said, lying back down.

"It's you're house!" I argued.

"You're closer to the door" he said, closing his eyes.


"Hey, that's my name!" Luke said emerging from the bedroom, also shirtless. The doorbell rang again.

"Geez, I'm coming!" I said pushing myself off the couch as I walked over to the door.

I opened the door to face Regina George herself or whatever that bitch's real name was.

"Hi" I said, plastering a fake smile all over my face. What the hell was she doing here?

"Who are you?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Their neighbour, and also that girl you pushed over to put up a flier, who are you?"

"I'm Calum's girlfriend."

hi guys sorry for the cliffhanger (kinda). No calum and kiara didnt have sex they just kinda kissed and stuff, it'll be explained in the next chapter. also im listening to gangnam style right now, i dont know why thats relevant-it just is i guess. until next time guys xx-R

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