Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Four years later, the present...

Emma's POV:

"When will he stop brooding?" my brother, Landon, asks me. His gaze is firmly set on JT. "It's been two years since she left," he points out, insensitive as always. "You'd think he'd move on by now." 

I shake my head at him with a grimace. "Don't be stupid, Lan," I clout him over the head for being mean.

"Ouch, Ems!" He lets out a strained noise in response. "Yeah, and they say I'm the dangerous one in the family," he replies, sarcastic.

I ignore his dumb remark and get back to the point. "He loved that girl with everything he had," I remind my brother. "He's not going to just get over her, you moron."

"Well, he should."

Landon tends to be very opinionated at times.

"Landon," I growl, glaring daggers at him, "you'd have to experience love to understand JT's dilemma," I tell him, standing up for Jay. "In other words, Lan, you'll never get it." 

Landon throws an accusing finger in my face, stifling a grin. "You're mean," he tells me and adds, "that was uncalled for, Sis."

Xavier, out of nowhere, throws a carefree arm around my shoulders. "I can't believe I'm agreeing with 'Ruthless Racer' -- you are mean."

Landon glares at him and removes his arm from my shoulders. I don't think the two of them will ever get along. Granted, they do get along a lot better than they used to. Landon can at least tolerate Xavier from time to time.

"No one even calls me that anymore," Landon points out, annoyed.

"That's because you threatened everyone and said you'd pummel us all if any of us ever called you that again," Xavier reminds my brother, a mischievous grin on his face. He lives to irritate my brother; he also knows that I won't let my brother hurt him. Xavier has become my weakness and he seems to know it.

"Well, maybe I should start living up to that threat," Landon snarls as he makes a move to hit Xavier. 

Before I can react, Grey's already stepping in to stop a fight from breaking out. "You two never quit, do you?" he mutters, his firm gaze straying from Landon to Xavier. 

I shoot Grey a grateful smile for getting involved.

Xavier, wanting to push my brother's buttons further, makes a cocky remark in response. "All I know is that Em won't ever quit on me."

I roll my eyes at him, used to him constantly hitting on me.

"He's a dumbass," Landon says to Grey, gesturing to Xavier, barely holding it together.

"That's old news," Grey agrees, unfazed.

Xavier, fueled by their irritation, wolf whistles loudly at me as he beckons me over. "You and me girl...wild fantasies."  

"And I'm supposed to put up with that?" Landon asks Grey, unbelieving of Xave's audacity. "He tests my patience. If it weren't for my sister, he'd be dead."

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