Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The present

Emma's POV:

"Why are you so annoying?" I ask, facing him from across his seat in the small food court.

"Why are you so beautiful?" he returns the question.

"Why are you such a flirt?" I question back, refusing to give in and be the first to answer.

"Why are you not?" he asks tauntingly.

Sighing in defeat, I give in. "Grow up, Xavier," I retort.

He says nothing back, for once not gloating about his performance or rubbing it in on just how badly I performed today.

An arrogant yet barely noticeable smirk forms on the corner of his lips as he averts his dark eyes from mine. He casually pops a mini-donut into his mouth, chewing silently to himself. That little smirk says more than any words of his can.

I roll my eyes at him, not used to him staying silent. "Out with it, please," I protest.

"I didn't even say anything," he defends himself, a boyish grin on his face.

That's the problem. Xavier always has something to say, always.

I let it go and change the subject. "Hurry up so that I can go home. I'm tired." If I didn't know any better, I'd say that he's eating slowly on purpose.

"And end our date so soon?" he pouts childishly.

"It's not a..." I trail off, knowing that he couldn't care less. "Nevermind," I huff. It's not like he'll listen anyway.

"Called it," Xavier flashes me a grin.

"Struck out," I argue with him.

He chuckles in a low tone and then suddenly smiles. "I'm glad I met you."

His words are nothing but genuine, hence why I'm caught off guard by them. Xavier is not a nice person. Everyone knows that. He's not supposed to say heartfelt things like that, ever.

"Wish I could say the same," I retort through a clipped tone, lying through my teeth. In spite of all my issues with Xavier, he's still one of the few who I can be real with. He seems to get me and the best part of it all, he accepts me too.

"Please, you want a piece of this." He lifts up his shirt up, revealing his six-pack to the public. 

It's nothing I haven't seen before.

"Already had a piece, bored of you now," I joke before getting up from my seat.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Xavier follows my actions, trying to stop me from leaving. "Where are you going?"

"As I said, I'm tired." I feign a yawn to prove my point. Being around him for too long becomes dangerous.

Xavier suddenly turns serious and frowns down at me. "Why do you always run out on me just when we're getting close?"

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