Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The present

Emma's POV:

Over time, I've found that everyone in life is looking for a specific rush, street racing is where I get mine.

"More speed, Emma!" 

That spark inside of me lights, an adrenaline rush coursing through my veins as I pick up in speed.

I soon pass by Jay again, my window down so that I can hear what he has to say:

"You've got to stop slowing down so much on your turns. You gotta keep up with your own pace. You can't afford to brake so much at every turn. Balance the speed out with control."

"Alright!" I salute him and keep on driving.

The wind rushes in through the window. The feeling that's currently running through my bones is indescribable. Racing truly is life. I grin to myself as I press all the way down on the accelerator and speed through my first sharp turn. I get control of my steering and manage the turn swiftly. I can't stop the enormous smile spreading across my lips as I cross the finish line for the final time.

Jay stops his timer. "You knocked off a good couple of seconds that round," he informs me. "Nice going."

I park beside him. "So, did I improve?" 

He grins and taps the hood of my car in pride. "Sure did."

I take my hands off of the steering wheel and blow at my knuckles. "It's all about improvising."

"The way you just took those sharp turns, that's how you do it when you compete," he tells me. "And just remember, when in doubt, throttle it out."

I roll my eyes, a small smile playing on my lips. Everyone who knows JT knows that 'when in doubt, throttle it out' is his racing catchphrase. 

"You sure in doubt a lot then, huh, JT?" Landon asks, having already finished his practice session with Jay.

Grey chuckles as he lights up a cigarette. "It would seem so. Highly probable."

"It's likely," JT scoffs, a grin on his face as he angles his head to the side.

Championships are around the corner. However, we can't compete in championships unless we make top three in the upcoming race, so, as per tradition for the last two years, Grey, Lan and I have asked JT to train us and help us get prepared.

Xavier, as always, is too stubborn to come along and seek guidance from JT. He'd rather lose than subject himself to the help of Jay Taylor. Their rivalry in racing is ongoing.

"You gotta stop smoking, my man," JT lectures Grey. "It's no good."

Grey shrugs carelessly as he breathes out a puff of smoke. "Who said I was any good?" He smirks devilishly.

JT merely shakes his head at Grey, a lopsided grin playing on his lips. "Shut up, man."

"He's bad to the bone," Landon adds mockingly.

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