Spam + Question

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Hey, hedgies!! Check out my new book, Happy Birthday! If you follow the instructions inside, you'll get a shoutout on your b-day!! Also, after I give you your shoutout, I'll start reading a book that you wrote, and when I'm done, I'll give it a review in my book, The Wonderful Wizard of Reviews!

The question is:

I need a cover for The Wonderful Wizard of Reviews!! But don't put the "by: hedgi3fangirl" stuff ir anything. I'm very particular about the name.

  If you do decide to put the name in for me, type this:

"Rhino" Stewart

Nothing more. No "by" or anything. And I'll give youcredit for the cover!! If you want, you can even type your username in a corner, so people know you made it.


Angel, I Hear YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora