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Why does that keep popping up on my multitasking page??? That accidentally happened on my chat to ArtanaCat (you're Percy Jackson, right? Or do I have the wrong profile?) forever agoooooo and I deleted the characters before they got sent

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Why does that keep popping up on my multitasking page??? That accidentally happened on my chat to ArtanaCat (you're Percy Jackson, right? Or do I have the wrong profile?) forever agoooooo and I deleted the characters before they got sent. \(-^-)/™

I put the TradeMark sign on the emoji-thingy, because TheAmazingAlto came up with it. 😊 Thanks, Kenzie. (hey! I spelled your name right! I didn't say Kinzie!)

Angel, I Hear YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora