Username Song Tag

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Tagged by twentyonepilxts- (I'm sorry!)

T-rouble (Taylor Swift)H-ello (Adele)E-lysium (Bear's Den)

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T-rouble (Taylor Swift)
H-ello (Adele)
E-lysium (Bear's Den)

D-irty Paws (Of Monsters and Men)
A-in't It Fun (Paramore)
R-ythm of Love (The Plain White Ts)
K-ung Fu Piano: Cello Ascends (The Piano Guys)

S-tar Wars film scores (John Williams; and yes, all seven film scores)
I-stanbul (They Might Be Giants)
D-og Days Are Over (Florence + The Machine)
E-lements [orchestral version] (Lindsey Stirling)

R-oses (The Chainsmokers ft. ROZES)
H-ome (Gabrielle Aplin or Jasmine Thomspson)
I- Write Sins, Not Tragedies (Panic! At the Disco)
N-eon Lights (Demi Lovato)
O-phelia (The Lumineers)

I tag......She_Calls_Me_Leo_V  (You, just do it in the comments, O.),
letstwistagain, and TheAmazingAlto.

Angel, I Hear YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora