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  I can imagine a lot of people arguing with me over the last update, because I never do anything.

  Reasons why I have a perfectly good reason to be mad:

1. I only have 130-or-so reader, from when I was active. Not 5.46K!
2. I was active. I do have items to display. You're reading this, aren't you?

  Look, if anyone misses me, I'm sorry. I'm trying to do good in 6th grade so I don't totally screw up the rest of my time in middle school. That's hard!!!! Also, I'm trying to do good so I can get into advenced choir and go on a field trip for science. And I really want Mr. Odom for 8th grade American History. Also, I have no insiration whatsoever. I am workong on getting time to copy-paste into Wattpad a story I wrote. I'll have to check how to avoid not self-plagarizing, however. It's being published. But just wait a few more months for an exciting (and tremendously sad: my friend cried) short story about a Berliner after a bombing during WWII!! 😊 See ya, Rhinos!

Angel, I Hear YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora