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Micah POV

Just as I was preparing Leena's bag to go spend the weekend with her dad I felt my stomach turn. I ignored it entering my room where she was watching Sophia The First.
"You ready to spend the day with daddy?" I asked her.
"Yes." She explained cheerfully.
"You gone be good right?"
"Yes mommy, I always good." She said smiling.
I chuckled.
"Yeah, I bet."

It was going on 6:00 pm and Lance was suppose to be here at 5, I don't know what had him running late but it irked my nerves whatever it was.

Fucking around with him my baby wouldn't have dinner til 8, her damn bed time. So I got up and went in the kitchen putting some water on the stove, and placing some spiral noodles in it. After my noodles cooked I through them in a pot with corn, broccoli, and carrots. Before pouring cheese over them.
"Lee baby! Come eat!" I yelled fixing her a bowl and myself one.
She came running and I sat her at the table placing her bowl and some juice in front of her.

"Mommy." She said once we'd be sitting down for a minute.
"I don't want these trees." She said holding up a piece of broccoli.
"Eat four and you won't have to eat no more."
She finished up her food and the time was quickly going by.
"Let's go take you a bath Leena." I said putting the dishes in the sink.
I was pissed with Lance but I couldn't show it to Leena.

I ran her water then placed her in the tub. While washing her and her hair she played with the bathroom crayons.
"Mommy, where's my daddy?" She asked and I sighed. Somewhere out probably getting his dick sucked.
"I don't know mama. I think you'll have to stay with my tonight. And then your daddy come get you tomorrow okay?"
Her face saddened and my heart broke. My baby loved her daddy and he was letting her down and it was becoming more frequent.
"Don't look so sad baby. Daddy is doing something very important. You'll see him, I promise." I hated that I had to promise she'd see her dad when truthfully I didn't even know myself.

I got her out the tub and wrapped her in the monster towel with the hood and let her walk to her room. I pulled her out some pajamas and lotion.
"Put your lotion on." I told her. She did as instructed then stood in front of me. She placed her hands on my shoulders to help keep her balanced while I put her big girl panties on. And then her pajamas.

"I love you." I said kissing her cheek as climbed into her bed.
"I love you too mommy."
I left her room and entered the living room.

Lance POV

I held my gun up at the workers.
"It's yall fault I can't get to my daughter. And do you know how that makes me cringe?" I asked taking it off safety.
I'd been head into all of this work and someone had the nerve to try and steal from me. None of them wanted to snitch on the other and it was keeping me from getting Leena.
"Lance. It's 12 man. Go on to your baby mommas. I'll take care of this."Gio said. I nodded leaving out.

It was a waste going over to Micah's because I knew she and Leena were sleep. But I know I couldn't not show up.


I knocked on the door. But nothing. Using my spare key I opened it and walked in. I found Micah fast asleep on the couch and I sighed sitting next to her. She jumped up clutching her chest.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" She snapped.
"I'm sorry. I tried to be here but something came up at the warehouse and--"
"The warehouse? You mean to tell me you didn't come get your daughter over some drug related shit? You don't care about Leena. That's the most fucked up shit you ever said to me. You need to go." She said on the verge of tears.
"Micah you ain't even let me explain. You be so quick to go off."
"Explain!? Why do you always have to explain something? Why won't you just do right by your daughter the first time and save the apologies."
She said standing up.
"I take a lot of your mouth but I'm not right now." I snapped back standing up and close to her. "Be mad all you want but don't disrespect me by saying no shit like that. Because you know just like I do that I take care of Leena. And I'm a great ass a father. You mad at me Micah!? Then be fucking mad but I ain't gone take too much more of you insulting me like I'm a deadbeat when I'm not." I snapped with bass in my voice.

She pushed at my chest as tears ran down her cheeks.
"You used me." She cried as I pulled her into my chest. I knew there was more to her hostility and I knew that's what it was about.
"No baby I didn't. At least I didn't try to."
"Lance you tried to get me pregnant and didn't even talk to me about it first." She cried.
I sighed lifting her up and carrying her down the hall to her room.
"I tried so hard to get over you and learn to co parent with you and you fucked with me and my emotions. You didn't have sex with me because you missed me. You had sex with me so that you could have another baby off of me." She cried as I laid her on the bed.

I stripped down to my boxers. Climbing into the bed where she was balled up and pulled her into my arms.
"I'm sorry. But I need you to forgive me."
"I forgave you. But all hope that I had for us is gone." She cried into my chest.
"Don't say that. I've come to my senses. I don't want to be without you for another day. You or Leena. And I do want another child but i want it with you."
She just cried.
"I'll think about getting back together. But I don't think we need any more children."
I accepted. And closed my eyes and let sleep take over.


When I woke up the next morning.
To an empty bed. I heard gagging coming from the bathroom and climbed on the bed slowly.
I entered the bathroom and stood in the doorway as Micah emptied her insides into the toilet.
"Wassup with you?" I asked not wanting to get too close but concerned about her.
She just shrugged.
"Micah." I said not really sure if I needed to ask this considering. "Are you pregnant?"

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