He Breaks Up With his GF for you/ You date before he dumps them

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 A/N: So writing this in August 2015, only liam has a girlfriend so Louis will be breaking up with his most recent ex ( Eleanor) and Harry will dump Kendall.. for Niall im gonna have him break up with Melissa ( who really liked her tbh) and be with Sam ( www.twitter.com/darkendhoran )

Liam: Liam wasn't proud of what he was doing, he felt like a total douche but he couldn't stay away from you. One night at your apartment you were cuddling on your big comfy red sofa and he sighed loudly " I promise i'll do it tonight, when i get home."

You look up at him moving your face out of his neck "Im sorry liam, i know this is hard on you," you peck his cheek "Im sorry you weren't happy with her"

He shakes his head "Baby girl, i was, but you're so much better than her i couldn't keep from falling for you" he places his lips on yours softly getting one last taste of you before he goes back to his to end things once and for all "I promise to call after i end it with sophia ok?"

You nod and half smile at the mention of her name "Just be honest with her ok?" you hug his chiseled chest tight before leading him to your door

- location Liam and Sophia's Place-

"Sophia?" Liam shakily and quietly calls out through the quiet apartment setting his keys down and entering the living room where sophia is asleep on the sofa. He kneels down and strokes her hair placing a friendly kiss to her temple making her stir and open her brown eyes.

" Hey baby" she yawns and sits up allowing liam to sit next to her " How was work?" she raises an eyebrow noticing his uneasy state

" Look sophia we need to talk" he looks at the floor " I think its time to end things between us"

Sophia sits up straighter "Liam... why?"

"I met someone else" is all it took for her to grab a bag and mumble "I'll come back tomorrow for my stuff" Liam nods and looks around the apartment feeling his head spin. He quickly grabs his phone and dials your number

" Liam?" you quickly answer "Are you ok?"

"I need you here y/n" he sighs "Now" you grab your keys quickly rushing to your boyfriends side to keep him calm during the toughest time he's has in years.

Harry: Kendall found out on her own that harry had cheated on her.. But little did harry know Kendall, being the model she is couldn't resist the attention she was getting. The two ended it mutually, over text. Harry sending a simple "I saw.. i didn't love you either, bye Kendall." He wraps his arms around your waist as you continued the conversation you were having with Cassie, Liam's new girlfriend.

Pressing a small kiss to your shoulder he mumbled "Im all yours now y/n"

Spinning around in his arms you kiss him smiling " Im so lucky" you play with his soft brown curls and sigh.

"It wasn't as hard as i thought, if i would have known the kind of girl she was i would have ended it a long time ago" he frowns and kisses your nose, his mom calling him back into the kitchen

" Go," you smile "I'll be in soon" with a pat to his butt you send him back into the house.

Cassie turns to you "He's so sweet to you" she smiles " You seem really happy."

Liam pipes up "I haven't seen him this happy with someone in a long time, I'm glad you got him away from that Kardashian" Louis Chuckles and pats Liam's back in support of his comment.

"She was..." you pause "Something"

Harry giggles coming up behind you with a plate of food " Everyone else can go serve themselves" you smile at your amazing boyfriend as he sits beside you " Eat up baby" he kisses your cheek and you take a bite of the amazing food Anne and Harry made for everyone.

Louis: You were from California, Louis being in LA so much kept him away from his longtime girlfriend, which you didn't mind considering you were head over heals in love with Louis William Tomlinson, the boy had your heart. It wasn't until he entered your house with a frown on his face and tears in his eyes.

Rushing to his side you took his hand a magazine falling out of his a picture of you two making out in a club a few weeks ago " She probably saw" he sighs and pulls you close to him "I think i have a phone call to make."

You hold him tight "Do you want me to listen in?" you bite your lip and study his sad eyes frowning at the state of the boy in front of you

"y-yeah love i think thats best" he walks over to your love-seat and pats his lap signaling for you to sit on his lap. You oblige and kiss him softly trying to cheer him up "Im doing this for you.. for us baby" he kisses you again before grabbing his phone moving it through his hands

"Lou" you rub hus chest feeling his heart beating out his chest " shh come here calm down, deep breaths" you coo and kiss his neck

"I just need to get it over with" he scrolls to Eleanor's name in his contacts "Here goes nothing" he presses the call button and you grip his free hand "Eleanor? hey... yeah I'm sorry i havent called" you hear talking on the other side, "So you saw...Oh really?" he sighs "Well then maybe You should think twice next time" he hangs up throwing his phone away from you two "Bitch has a guy over already" you chuckle at your sassy boyfriend cuddling him for the rest of the evening.

Niall: It had been months since he'd seen Melissa, he hasn't even called her because he's been so head over heals crazy for the spunky girl he met in Houston after a concert over a year ago. It wasn't until Sam saw a text from the Australian girl asking why he hasn't returned her countless messages or phone calls that she decided to bring it up " Niall? Why's Melissa texting you?"

Niall comes out of the bathroom running a hand through his fluffy blonde hair " Dunno princess whats she been saying anyways.. thought i made it clear i was over her" He lies next to Samantha as he scrolls through his texts with Melissa.

"Well?" Sam got tired of waiting "Whys she so upset"

Niall's eyes go wide and his red cheeks go pale "Shit..." he groans out " I never broke up with her baby" he chuckles nervously.

It takes sam a couple seconds to register what he said and lets out a big chuckle "Niall! You two timing bastard" she sarcastically yells out and kisses his lips quickly "Lets tell this oblivious bimbo whats gonna happen now" she grabs his phone and Niall watches as Sam types "Sorry who's this?" and hits send.

Melissa answers ' Melly baby boy" with a kiss face

" oh did i not tell you?" Niall types this time

"No?" the now confused brunette answers

Sam takes Niall's phone and sends her a picture of them kissing "We were over the second this happened sorry!" and quickly blocks Melissa's number, leaving the blonde Irishman laughing his ass off for days.

"You know you love me" Sam giggles out and kisses him.

" Oh you know it baby girl" He replies before kissing her again only to be interrupted with a knock on the door, being mark ready to take Niall to the gym. 

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