He Gets Sick At Night

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Preference #9: He Gets Sick At Night

A/N: For the anon that requested it on Tumblr  Enjoy! xoxo

Niall: You stirred in bed hearing the bathroom door slam shut for the fourth time, your boyfriend throwing up again groaning and cursing between heaves. Niall walks out of the now smelly bathroom , forehead damp with sweat "I'll go sleep on the sofa so i dont keep you up princess" he grabs his pillow and you tug it back "No Nialler, lie down" you pout and kiss his forehead "You have a fever baby" you tuck him in nice and tight going to get the barf bucket he can throw up in and some meds for his fever along with some water. Niall pokes out his bottom lip as you come back in the room making you chuckle. He sits up and takes the medication turning on his side to cuddle into your chest "Thank you princess" He whispers.

"Go to sleep niall you need to rest" you scold and turn off the light, rubbing his back in circles.

He yawns "Not tired dont feel good" he whimpers grabbing the bucket throwing up again panting in between heaves his hand searching for yours which you grab quickly.

"I'm right here baby boy shhh" you sooth him and he lies back down as you go clean the bucket coming back to see him asleep pale and sweaty from his sickness. You frown taking his hand as you lie next to him sleeping as well until he needs you again.

Liam: His sniffling and coughing fits brought you out of your deep sleep rolling over to see your boyfriend gasping for breath hunched over next to you "Liam shhh sit up, I'll get your inhaler ok?" He nods and continues coughing as you run to the medicine cabinet, handing your boyfriend his inhaler, watching him struggle to use it you run a hand through his hair.

"Thanks babe" he wheezes and kisses you softly, "I think its time I stop smoking, It'll help my cold" he frowns

You nod stroking his cheek, comforting him "I'll help you Li i promise ill help you through this" You gather some pillows up propping him up in bed

"Can i have a blowjob it might help?" He smirks

"No Payno go back to sleep" you cuddle into his chest ignoring his coughs and kissing him after every whimper that escaped his lips as his nose got more stuffed up and his eyes were droopier.

"Baby can i have some medicine?" He wheezes and you get up again grabbing his medicine, handing him the cup with the gross liquid in it, wincing as he swallows it, the medicine in his system lulling him to sleep, along with your tender kisses.

Louis: He was on tour and came down with a fever, FaceTimeing you from thousands of miles away, his tired eyes smiling at you through the screen "Hey baby boy" you whisper rubbing your tired eyes.

"I wish you were here baby i feel so terrible" he frowns and adjusts the ice pack on his forehead.

"I know Lou i miss you, I wish i could take care of you" you bite your lip and frown at your boyfriend

"I just have the worst headache love" he groans, "and a show tomorrow, i dont want to let the fans down"

"I know Lou bear I'm sorry" you yawn and look at the clock trying to do the time difference in your head "what time is it there babe?" you question

"Its one in the morning baby girl" he frowns "I couldn't sleep" you nod continuing to talk to your boyfriend for hours.

"Do you think you will be able to do the show?" you half-smile hopeful

"Yeah i should be ok" he yawns " i wish you could be here and help me through this" he sighs "I'm flying you out here soon love, miss you too much." he pouts

"Do you feel better baby?" you smile.

"Mhmm, thank you for talking to me for so long babe, i know you've been up late with schoolwork."

"It's ok Louis i love you" You blow him a kiss.

He giggles "I love you too, sweetheart" he kisses the screen and hangs up, going back to sleep, before getting ready for his day.

Harry: A dinner with your mom. Simple right? Harry smiled as you all sat down at dinner digging into the food you and your mom prepared.

"Do you like the food Harry?" your mom smiles and you take harrys hand under the table seeing his uneasiness

"Its wonderful Mrs Y/L/N, thank you for making it" he smiles at her and squeezes your hand in reassurance. All of you finish up the meal, and as your mom turns in for the night after doing the dishes, letting you and Harry cuddle on the sofa, you hear his stomach rumble and look at him.

"You ok Haz?" you rub his tummy and he nods

"Its just a stomach ache baby" he squeezes you tight and it rumbles again, "Second thought, wheres your restroom?" he frowns and gets up.

"Second door down the hall." you sit up concerned your eyes following your boyfriend as he runs down the hall.

About ten minutes later he comes back pale and gripping his stomach "Something didn't set right baby"

You pout and rub his stomach tucking him in with the blankets you have on your sofa "You can stay here for tonight baby boy" you kiss his cheek "I'll go get some medicine from the kitchen ok? ill be right back" you run into the kitchen, getting concerned when you come back and harry is in the restroom again.

Coming back he quickly takes the medicine falling asleep, only waking up a couple times during the night, thinking about how amazing you are for helping him, even if he's sick. 

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