How He Makes You Smile

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A/N: This was requested by @thozefreakingfandoms on tumblr.  Hope it makes you smile babe. also Dirty so warning. I STILL NEED REQUESTS!

Harry: Hearing the huffs and your bag hit the floor with a thud he knew it was a bad day. College was hard for you and the workload was taking a tole on you emotionally, sighing as you take a seat at the kitchen table you feel his arms around you his curls tickling your cheek "Hello beautiful" his tender lips peck your cheek and you half smile

"Hi Harry" you sigh "I hate school.. so much"

"I know baby girl" he massages your shoulders and kisses your head " How about a cup of tea and a bath for two?"

You smile and nod going to the sink, filling the water boiler and putting it on the stove watching your boyfriend grab the tea and mugs before setting you on the counter and kissing you softly making your frown turn upside down.

"I love you Harry" you smile cupping your boyfriends cheeks "So much" You kiss him as the water finishes boiling, and he pours you your favorite tea, carrying you to the bathroom counter as he runs you a steaming hot bath.

You set your tea on the counter as you watch harry strip off his clothing piece by piece, his tattoos coming into view making your heart skip a beat. He closes the gap between the two of you as the room fills with steam from the bath, his hot breath making you squirm in his grasp on your hips.

"I love this dress on you" He smirks as his hands find the zipper pulling it off of you.

"I love these moments" You smile as he kisses you lifting you up off the counter and out of your lace thong he bought you.

"Me too, so sensual but romantic" He turns around plopping a bath bomb into the full bathtub, smiling as you get into the tub him following behind you, a goofy smile on your face when he tickles your waist under the water. Harry always knew how to cheer you up.

Louis: You frowned as another hate tweet popped up in your notifications, sighing you turned off your phone throwing it across the room. "Something wrong babe" his smile fades.

You groan "No why does everyone hate me" you bury your face in a pillow and grumble.

He kneels by you on the sofa taking your hand in his, placing a gentle kiss to it, "I don't hate you, those fans are just jealous." he whispers.

"You always say that Lou... i just wish it would go away" you mumble into the pillow and squeeze louis hand.

"What can i do to help you baby girl?" he moves the pillow and you frown even more before his hands go to your hips tickling you.

You squeal and laugh "No Louis stop"

"Not until you smile for me baby girl" He kisses your tummy making you squirm and finally break a smile, making him sigh happily. " Thats my girl, always smiling, so beautiful"

You sit up wiping your tears "Thanks Lou Bear"

He takes you in his arms determined to keep the smile on your face "Now lets get sassy with the girls who think they can hurt my princess, shall we?" he grabs his phone opening twitter and smirking as he types snarky replies to those sending you hate, kissing your cheek as you giggle at your boyfriend.

Niall: You smiled as you saw your boyfriends car pull up after school, surprised, you walk up to his car and quickly get in avoiding fellow students from school that might mob your boyfriend. He pulls away from the school and smiles at you "hey princess" he rubs your thigh continuing to drive with one hand " I have a surprise for you baby, you're gonna need to pack a suitcase"

You smile, Niall's such a good listener, he knows when you've had a bad week "Really? Niall you didn't have too, where are we going?" you giggle already so happy.

"Only your favorite place to shop" He hints.

"Forever 21?" you question.

"No princess think bigger, you told me about it yesterday" He smirks at you.

"New York?" You gasp "Niall you didn't!!" you squeal as you pull up to your house "I'll pack and be right out ok?" you run inside grabbing various outfits and your makeup, throwing it all in your bag and heading out to Niall again.

A few hours later you're in a limo with your boyfriend cuddled up to him, his body keeping you warm "Where to first baby?" he kisses your forehead and looks out the window "Kate spade is right here" The limo pulls over and he helps you out, keeping you close and away from the bone chilling wind that sweeps New York in the winter. Dozens of bags later you arrive at the hotel a fire already started, the blonde irishman setting down the McDonald's on the coffee table his arms engulf you in a hug.

"Happy now princess?"

Liam: You slump down next to him his arm instantly on your back, your parents yelling getting louder in the other room. You fight back tears "I hate this" you groan and jump as you hear a smash as the glass of another picture is destroyed. "Grab your bag we're going to my house" He says sternly his chest puffing out a bit as he watches you grab your overnight bag you kept packed, this being a common situation you were in.

"Ok lets go out the back" you frown and take his hand as you run through your backyard, to his car parked down the street. He helps you in the car and drives up the mountain to your favorite spot to stargaze. "You need to move out baby" he sighs as he leans over and hugs you tight.

"Where am i gonna go? I can't afford to live on my own" you pout and try not to cry.

"Hey, you can live with me" he whispers and strokes your cheek lightly with his thumb kissing your lips lightly.

"Liam, I'd want nothing more" you bury your face in his neck a small smile spreading across your lips.

He smiles " I brought my laptop, wanna get in the back and watch a movie?" he kisses you softly and you look out into the warm night and nod getting out of the car grabbing the picnic blanket and spreading it out looking at your superman grab the laptop and lie down next to you.

"I brought your favorite, the little mermaid" you smile wide and kiss him softly as he presses play.

You share passionate glances and kisses as the movie plays, the smile never leaving your face. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2015 ⏰

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