Your First Time

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Preference #7: Your First Time

A/N: slightly dirty so warning

Niall: His hands trailed up your shirt as he moaned into your mouth. He was ready to take this all the way and wanted to make it perfect for you, knowing you were a virgin. "Baby are you 100%s sure you want to do this?" he moves a stray hair away from your eyes with the pads of his calloused fingers.

"Take this to the bedroom Niall, I'm ready" you smile at him an kiss him hard unbuttoning his shirt.

He grabs your ass making you squeal and he picks you up moving quickly up the stairs "God I'm so happy we're doing this princess" he sets you on the bed gently, cupping your face as you passionately kiss. He slowly moves his hands to your hips fisting the thin material of your shirt pulling it off.

His eyes light up when he sees your body, his fingers running over your torso sending shivers up your sides "Niall please I'm ready for you" you bat your big green eyes up at him making him smirk and kiss your nose.

"Princess let me make this special for you" he coos and lifts you up on the bed more shimmying off the Adidas sweatpants he was wearing.

You watch him intently your breathing becoming more and more rapid, the pool in your lace panties growing more and more "Niall i love you so much" you sigh as his lips attach to your neck, making you moan quietly.

The blonde irishman tugs off your pants and underwear making you feel exposed, closing your legs your pale cheeks turning pink. "Shh princess I'm gonna make you feel so good, so fucking good" he smirks and pulls off his boxers revealing his hard dick.

"God Niall you're huge" you both smirk at another making him giggle

"I promise i wont hurt ya baby girl" You nod at his reassuring words and let him open your legs, pushing his tip against your entrance making you wince.

"N-niall fuck just do it please" You squeeze your eyes shut as he fully enters you tears falling from your eyes that he quickly kisses away.

"Baby shh I won't move ok until you're ready" he rubs your hips "Baby you feel so good , i love being inside you" he kisses you and you moan giving him the reassurance he can move.

He thrusts slowly in and out of you both of your moans filling the room as his movements push you closer to the edge. "Oh my god Niall" you whimper and tug at the hair on the nape of his neck making him groan

"Princess I'm gonna cum too wait for me baby" you two kiss one more time as you cum him following right after you

"Fuck Niall that was" You trail off.

"Amazing" he kisses you and pulls you to his chest. Both of you in love and happy.

Liam: Liam took you to a club, he had a few drinks and before you knew it his hands were all over you as you danced in the heated club. You wanted him, you were a virgin but you were 100% sure you were ready to have sex with your amazing boyfriend.

You spun around in his arms and pulled him into a heated kiss "Should we head home Payno?" You grab his snapback putting it on your head with a smirk.

he doesn't hesitate to pull you out of the club pushing people out of the way, "Baby you should have told me you were ready" he kisses you as he hails a cab.

When you arrive at home clothing is hastily stripped of and Liam runs his hands up and down your sides "Baby you're gorgeous holy shit" He sets you on your kitchen counter attacking your chest with kisses making you squirm under him.

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