You Have A Mental Disorder

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A/N: As someone with multiple mental disorders I'm somewhat familiar with a few of these.. I've also done my research on the ones I'm not as familiar with. If any of you struggle with a mental disorder and need someone to talk my ask is always open.

Liam/Anxiety disorder: Liam had invited you to a movie premiere, wanting to show off his beautiful girlfriend to the world. Your hands shook as the driver pulled out of your driveway "You ok baby?" his low voice whispered taking your hand in his.

Your thoughts spun as you shook your head "anxious" you stuttered out and tried to control your breathing.

Liam signaled the driver to pull over a few blocks from the red carpet "Shhh love look at me" his big hands cup your face wiping a few stray tears off your cheeks as your panic attack got stronger. You bury your face in his chest whimpering trying not to cry "What if they don't like me?" you sob quietly and grip onto his suit jacket.

"Hey hey don't say that sweetie" he rubs your back trying to calm your extreme fear of crowds "Baby your makeup will smudge if you keep crying" he chuckles low making you crack a small smile and dab your tears black mascara tears with a tissue.

"I'll touch up my makeup and then we can go ok?" you smile nervously.

"Alright baby, i'll be by your side the whole time you have nothing to worry about when I'm here" he kisses your lips and helps you out of the car after pulling up to the red carpet, smiling wide happy to have his princess on his arm.

Niall:/ Depression: Worried. Niall was worried every time he called and heard a quiet mumbled "Hello" meaning you were still buried in the depths of your bedsheets. "Princess," he sighed "Im starting to get really worried about you. Do I need to come home for a few days?"

You whimper and clutch onto a stuffed bear Niall gave you "No, Niall I'm fine" you snap at him.

"Y/N, you aren't ok, whens the last time you ate?" he questions.

"Sunday" you mumble embarrassed at your state of mind

Niall looks at the calendar, friday, he sighs " Im sending my mum over and having her take you to the doctor, this isn't healthy princess"

"If you insist prince charming" you let out a forced giggle and fall asleep soon waking up a few hours later to Nialls mother, Mauras sweet voice "Honey, its time for the doctor i ran you a bath as well" you open your eyes and sit up slowly "Thank you Maura" you get in the bath and wash yourself before heading to the doctor.

"Hello Miss Y/L/N what seems to be the problem?" Your doctor asks

"My boyfriend thinks I'm depressed...He's been on tour for a few months, I've been alone, not eating much, not getting out of bed" You explain and your doctor writes a few things on your chart.

"Alright, well that sounds like a classic case of depression to me, ill give you some medication and see you back in a few weeks" He suggests and hands you a prescription.

You nod and smile shyly ready to get better before your wonderful boyfriend comes home.

Harry/OCD:  It was the same every single day. you woke up at 8:30am on the dot sitting up, stretching your arms first and then your neck to the left and then the right. Getting up you went to the restroom, brushed your hair exactly 50 times before brushing your teeth for two minutes exactly. Harry wakes up and walks to the bathroom "I have to wee"

"Not now Harry" you continue on with your routine worrying to mess up.

"Baby cmon it'll just take a minute" he sighs and leans against the door frame.

"Harold i can't" you press on and start the shower.

He walks up to you and takes hold of both your hands pressing them to his chest "Baby shh deep breaths ok? In and Out"

You shakily sigh and let a few tears fall "Im sorry... i didn't sleep very well" you groan and lean into him

He nods and rubs your back with his large hands soothing your nerves "Have you been taking your medication?"

You curse under your breath "I always forget Haz" you go over to the sink and take a small pill out of the bottle swallowing it with a glass of water

"They'll help you eventually baby girl I promise"

You nod and shakily walk over to him "Lets cuddle please, get my mind off of it"

"Anything to help you my baby" he kisses your lips softly and leads you into the bedroom lying close to you

" Ill get better for you Harry" you smile at his green eyes "You're my reason"

Louis/Bipolar disorder: You woke up in a wonderful mood "Morning Louis" you gave him a bright smile and kissed his lips quickly before skipping to the bathroom to get ready for work that day. About a half hour later Louis knocked on the door "Love i have to use the loo can i sneak in?" You groan "Always messing up my routine aren't you Tomlinson" You shake your head with a sigh.

"Babe i just have to wee" he says quietly from outside the door.

"It doesn't matter if you just have to use the goddamn loo!" you yell "This is my bathroom time and i would like not to be interrupted so just stay out of my way!" you slam your eyeliner on the counter making Louis jump

"Baby relax please, ill use the one downstairs" He mumbles and exits the room.

A few minutes later you regret yelling at louis for something so silly and walk downstairs to hear him on the phone with his mom.

"I know she's bipolar but cant she control it? what if she acts out in public and someone finds out!" Louis sighs " alright mum talk to you later" he hangs up and you walk up to him

"Louis?" he turns to you his eyebrows raised, "Im sorry i yelled at you I forgot to take my medication last night" you look up and see his blue eyes looking into yours

"Baby I'm not mad, you just scare me sometimes" he kisses your lips softly and you smile knowing how lucky you are to have such a supportive boyfriend 

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