His Thoughts After Your First Time

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A/N: This pref will be in His POV. PLEASE message me requests for OT4 preferences, no personal requests.

Liam: I watched as her eyes slowly closed a new glow on her face, "Goodnight beautiful" I whisper pulling the warm duvet over our bodies as she drifts off into a blissful sleep. I'm so lucky to have a girl like her so beautiful, polite, the perfect angel in public but daddy's girl in the sheets. I chuckled to myself, I never knew she could be like that, aggressive, and naughty. I love her so much, i hope she knows that. I'd do anything for her, anything she wants is hers. I sit up in bed and look over at my sleeping beauty, she has a tight grip on my hand, always wanting to keep me close, afraid to loose me. I had never seen Y/N so vulnerable her body was writhing under me as i made love to her, fully making my princess mine. I hope its forever, i don't know what i'd do without her. Maybe we'll be married someday, with two perfect kids and a big house in wolverhampton, Loki and Brit in the backyard. My tired eyes droop shaking me from my thoughts and i lied down next to her, pulling her naked sweaty body to mine i fall asleep, protecting my girl from everything, even if its nothing.

Niall: Was I too rough with her? I know crying and bleeding is normal but I feel terrible, I wonder if she lied to me about how much it hurt. I hope she doesn't still hurt. I get up and tiptoe downstairs putting the water to boil and grabbing two tylenol out of the medicine cabinet, setting them on the tray along with her favorite tea for when she wakes up. Just like the movies right? Thats what she wanted, so I'll give it to her. I craved her touch, seeing her eyes squeeze shut as she falls into her climax was my favorite part, my name rolling off her lips so sweetly, smoothly, like it was meant to be. We were meant to be. Its never been this easy, loving someone that is. The fans loved her, my parents said she was the daughter they never had, I'm determined to marry this girl. Not soon, but when we're ready. Her soft voice shook me from my thoughts, "Nialler?" she stretched and yawned my tee shirt big on her body.

"Morning Princess" I walk over to her giving her a soft kiss " I made you tea, and got you some meds if you're sore"

She blushes and cuddles into me "Niall it wasn't that bad, Im not sore"

I nod and pull out a chair helping her sit down pouring her some tea, Ready to make this morning the best she's had,

Harry: I couldn't believe what i had just done. When i sobered up i realized i had just taken a sweet girls innocence, she had bled all over my sheets, i should change them but she just looks so peaceful. I kiss her temple and pick her up bridal style setting her gently on the lounge chair in my room, covering her body with a blanket. Being as quiet as i could be i changed the sheets, setting the beautiful girl back down in bed she stirred a bit groaning. I quickly rubbed her back to sooth her "Shh go to sleep your safe i promise, love" i hold her all night, the poor thing was going to be so hungover tomorrow she probably wont remember her first time, and thats the sad part. Its my fault, i should have been a bigger man and just taken her home, but something kept me from leaving her, something drew me to having sex- no making love to her. Theres something different about this girl, what was her name? fuck im so horrid, i should sleep. get ready to take care of her in the morning.

Louis: Im in love. For real this time, I never thought I could find love again after what happened, she was different. I loved Y/N i really truly did, she was amazing, i know it hurt but she was a trooper. My trooper, she'll be mine forever and I'm going to try my hardest to keep her. Unlike my last relationship i'll never get tired of this, right here. Looking down at her as she sleeps on my chest, content and happy with the deed we just did. Her angelic face and sexy body, I know she's insecure, she never let me see her naked until tonight. I have no idea why? She's perfect, Beautiful. No reason to cover up with all the clothes she wore usually. My baby stirs in my arms looking up at me "Lou? Why aren't you asleep?" she kisses me and i kiss her back eager to feel her mouth again "Just thinking about you baby" I kiss her forehead "Sleep, don't worry about me I'll be asleep soon."

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