7.2 - requests

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I saw Lucy bringing out her keys.

WAIT, WHAT?!, I thought. I closed my eyes again for me not to see further more because I will spoil out the fun. After several minutes....

"Open your eyes!" Lucy said in an eager tone. I did.

I saw the celestial spirits, aligned in front of me. All of them. Lucy is right, it did make me cry.

"Aw, Crystal," she started comforting me. I hugged her so tight.

"Moo!" said Taurus. "Your friend has a nice body!"

"S-she cried?" I heard Aries. "I-I'm very sorry!"

"Is it punishment time, princess?" Virgo said. I looked up to face them. Before I could say something, Loke walked in front of me and held my hand.

"Hello there, Crystal," he said as he kissed my hand. "You have a really beautiful face and body, would you mind if you be my wife?"

"Loke!" Lucy warned and Loke let go of my hand.

I walked infront of them one by one and started to talk to them. I started with Cancer.

"I have a request," I shyly asked. "Can you give me a hairstyle that fits me?"

"Just like what you said," Cancer cut my hair, twirled it, brushed it, and vwala! "Here you go, miss."

"Wow," I said in soft voice. I saw my face in the mirror and it made me very happy. "Thank you so much! You can take a rest now."

Cancer popped out and I turned to Taurus next.

"Moo! Look at that body!" Taurus said with heart eyes.

"Um, ahehe," I said while kinda covering up my body (i feel so molested by this cow). "Can you please sign this pj's I'm wearing right now?"

"Oh sure!" I handed him the marker and he drew an axe. "T-that's your signature?"

"Oh, make it so," Lucy whispered. "At least he didn't drew boobs."

"Oh," I said. "Thank you!"

"Forced gate closure, Taurus!" Lucy said as she kept his key in her little pouch.

I turned to Virgo, who stands next to Taurus.

"Hi, Virgo!" I smiled at her.

"Hello there, Crystal," Virgo said as she gave me one of her chains. "That's for punishment time whenever the Princess wants to. I need to go now."

She popped out already and I faced Lucy.

"Punishment time, huh?" I said with a playful smile. I turned to the celestial spirits again and next is Gemini.

"Oh, my zodiac sign," I said as I hugged them. They hugged back! "A little favor please? Can you please change into me?"

After few seconds, a puffy cloud popped and behind it, is a Gemini Crystal!

"Wow! Can you do an action that I always do?" I asked. Gemini thought something for a second then he/she started (I don't know the gender so...).

"Dear universe, thank you!" Gemini Crystal said as he/she interlocked his/her hands and closed his/her eyes.

"That's great! Thank you Gemini," I laughed and waved him/her goodbye and they popped out.

I talked with the other celestial spirits (Scorpio, Capricorn, Crux, Horologium, Lyra, Pyxis) and got some souvenirs from them. My last spirit was Aquarius, who was dead serious and her face is really irritated. Luckily, I managed to talk to her.

"Um, hey," I started. "I want to ask a simple question. Why are you angry?"

"I'm not angry, you dumb little kid," Aquarius said as she rolled her eyes.

"Yes you are," I assured her. She's still have that angry face. I try to catch her attention, and I did. She sighed and told me something.

"It's just that, Lucy is so kind, it annoys me," Aquarius said in a soft, shy voice.

"Annoys you in what way?" I asked. She faced me and we talked.

"Now, look at her, she's just wasting her magic power just for you. What if something happens to her because of this? She's using too much magic power," Aquarius explained. "That dumb little brat is like you."

I turned to Lucy and I can see her sweating and hard to breath. Lucy. The woman with the kind heart. She always does this. She doesn't care if something'll happen to her, just to see her love ones happy. I started to worry so I quickly asked something to Aquarius.

"Aquarius," I started and she listened. "I know she's annoying at some times, but remember that she's doing this for someone's sake. Always take care of her. Please."

I expected Aquarius will roll her eyes on me and yell at me for ordering her to do something, but no. She put her hand above mines and smiled.

"I will," Aquarius said. "But tell that brat, don't go summoning me all the time. I have a date with my boyfriend."

I nodded and giggled, and she popped out. I stood up and went to Lucy, sitting up next to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, of course," she said as she tries to catch her breath and stood up, walking towards the couch. "I feel sleepy already, and tired."

"Me too," I told her. She turned off the lights and greeted her goodnight.

I lied down the bed and positioned myself to sleep. I smiled as I remembered what Lucy just did for me tonight. She made me really happy.



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