What Happen After....

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( POV means point of view)

(Kyo's POV)

I waited for the group to come out my stomach growling. I remember what Tohru said when I was in my true form. ¨I want us to stay together!¨ I smile slightly and mumble.¨I do too Tohru.¨ I see the group come out and Tohru holding her head.¨Well how'd it go?!¨ I say curiously.¨I'm sure Miss Honda will tell you about it sooner or later¨ Yuki says.¨Well whatever come on let's go I'm starving!¨ I say and Tohru smiles. Damn it! Why do I feel like this when she smiles I feel all weak! ¨Sure lets get home and I'll cook lunch¨ She walks ahead and we approach our house. Tohru is in the kitchen cooking salmon.¨Hey Tohru? What happen in there you seem upset¨ I say trying to hide that I'm worried about her. She starts to cry and Yuki comes in.¨Now you did it you stupid cat what did you do?!¨ He says and I fill with anger.¨I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING YOU DAMN RAT!¨ I yell and Tohru stops crying and serves lunch.¨Look Tohru I'm sorry I asked¨ I say as I sit down.¨Its fine you didn't know what happen.¨ She says calmly and I look at Yuki and Shigure for help. The both shake their heads and I eat my salmon.¨Wow this is delicious¨ Yuki says trying to change the subject.¨Thanks we had some left over spices so I tried some out¨ Thoru says and smiles. There I go again feeling weak even though she is not smiling at me.¨Tohru what ever did we do to have such a beautiful young flower just about to bloom in our horrid house¨ Shigure says and Yuki and I both say.¨You sick bastard!¨ And Tohru giggles a little. After lunch she cleans off the table and she goes to her room. I think now would be the best time to ask her what happened at the Sohma House. I walk upstairs and knock on her door.¨Come in¨ She says. I open the door and she is cleaning.¨Oh hi Kyo!¨ She smiles and waves a little wave. I rub the back of my neck.¨Tohru I have something to ask you¨ I say. ¨Sure you can tell me anything Kyo! What's up?¨ I try to say something but no words come out. When I look at her I just get this big lump in my thought even though I'm talking to her about something serious.¨What really happen in the Sohma House?¨ I hear her gasp a little and instantly regret asking.¨I guess you deserve to know the story.¨

(Tohru's POV)
I sit and the end of my bed and Kyo sits next to me.¨ I went to ask him about the curse and he started yelling why do you want to know about it an outsider like you can't break it! I apologized and he grabbed my hair and started tugging at it screaming he will make me regret meeting you. Yuki and Shigure tried to hold him back and he told Hatori to erase my memory and he refused. I said it must of hurt being told the day you're born that your gonna die. Thats when he started pulling harder and let go.¨ I said holding back tears. Oh mom why can't I hug them I really need a hug right now.¨Damn Akito¨ Kyo mumbled and he put a hand on my shoulder.¨You can cry you know. Its obvious you're holding it in¨ He says with no emotion and my eyes fill up with tears. A single tear falls and he wipes it with a tissue and I cry even more. None of them seen me cry before but I couldn't hold this in it just hurt me at the thought of forgetting them.¨Tohru Hatori is here to examine your head¨ Shigure calls out and me and Kyo walk down.¨Relieving stress I see?¨ Shigure says and Kyo punches him in the stomach.¨Miss Honda have you felt any dizziness?¨ Hatori ask.¨Only when I stand from sitting¨ I say trying to make it seem like it's not a big deal.¨Hmm it's best you don't you do anything for the next few days you might collapse¨ Hatori says and I nod. Not doing anything? The house will be a pigsty! I can just imagine it Tohru do you know where the rice maker its? Tohru! Tohru? I shudder at the thought. ¨Sissy?¨ says Kisa emerging from behind Hatori. She runs up to me and hugs me. I bend down and pick her up. ¨Hi Kisa, Sissy is gonna be alright.¨ I say and she smiles. I let her down and she runs back to Hatori.¨She insisted on seeing you and Momiji is sick but he wanted to see you so much.¨ Hatori says with a straight face.¨Good now I won't have a major headache from just seeing him.¨ Kyo says.¨Aww I hope he gets better¨ I say. Hatori nods and him and Kisa leave. I walk into the kitchen to make dinner but Kyo grabs my wrist.¨Did you not hear what Hatori said? You can't do anything for a few days good thing we have a week off of school.¨ Kyo says as he is leading me to the couch.¨Sit and stay there¨ He says sternly and walks away. I worry about dinner because Yuki's cooking isn't the best, I never had Shigure's cooking, and all Kyo made was leek soup.¨What are you doing here?¨ I hear Kyo say.¨Cause I wanted to see Tohru and Yuki.¨ Right away I know it's Hatsuharu.¨She's in the living room Hatori told her she can't do anything don't go black on her either¨ Kyo said while cooking something. Haru comes in wearing his white jacket and black shirt underneath.¨Hello Tohru how ya feeling?¨ He says.¨Just fine you didn't have to come over here its pouring out you must be cold¨ I said worried.¨ No no I'm fine I just need a towel for my hair¨ I nod and go get one.¨Whats wrong with you I told you she can't do anything!¨ Kyo says at Haru. Oh great he is gonna go black.¨Well maybe I wanted my share of having a maid!¨ He snapped and I felt like I was sinking to the bottom of the ocean.¨IF YOU'RE GONNA COMPLAIN ABOUT TOHRU YOU CAN GET YOUR ASS OUTTA HERE¨ Kyo screamed and Yuki and Shigure came out. I acted like I just now came down the stairs not hearing anything. I handed him the towel.¨Thank you Miss Honda¨ He says. Good he is white now.¨Don't think just because you're white now you're gonna get away from what you said.¨ Yuki said. I guess he heard it too.¨Yuki I'm sorry I just couldn't help it I'm sure every guy would love to have a beautiful girl like Tohru living at their house.¨ He said holding my chin his hair still dripping wet.¨Leave now you sick bastard.¨ Kyo says.¨But it's pouring outside and I just dried my hair!¨ Hauru says.¨You call that drying your hair? Here lemme help if you keep your hair like this you're gonna catch a cold.¨ I say while drying his hair with the towel. I see Haru blush and Kyo about to punch him.¨T-thanks Tohru¨ He says looking down. I smile and Yuki and Kyo both stare at me.¨Haru you can stay until it's done raining¨ Shigure says and both Yuki and Kyo glare at him. Is it me or did they seem jealous. I shrug my shoulders and walk up to my room I shut my door behind me and change into pajamas. Haru comes in without warning and I'm in pajama pants and a tank-top. He instantly blushes and closes the door quickly. I put a shirt on and open the door.¨It's okay you can come in now.¨ I say squeamish. Haru walks in embarrassed.¨I'm so sorry Miss Honda¨ He says rubbing the back of his neck.¨Its fine now what did you come in here for?¨ I say curious.¨Oh well I wanted to inform you that I'm spending a few days because the news said it's gonna be bad for a while. I thought you deserve to know.¨ He said while looking at my stuff.¨Oh ok where will you be sleeping?¨ I ask so I can prepare a room for him.¨On the couch.¨ He says straight faced.¨Ok I will get a blanket and pillow for you.¨ I say about to walk down the stairs but he grabbed my wrist.¨Hatori said you shouldn't be doing much so lay down and go to sleep I will find them myself.¨ He said and left closing the door behind him. I lie down in my bed and drift off to sleep.

(Kyo's POV)

I see Hatsuharu blushing as he walks down the stairs I block his path.¨What did you do?¨ I say sternly.¨Lets just say I saw something you will never see if you don't make a move on her.¨ He said devilish. I punched him.¨What did you see?!¨ I say a little loud.¨Be quiet all I saw was her in her pajama pants and a thin tank-top.¨ He smirks. I move out of his way and sit down on the couch. I would kill to be Haru right now. I don't know what I would do if innocent Tohru was dating demonic Hatsuharu. I make a fist in anger. Tohru has every boy in the Sohma family loving her, she can choose anyone. I just have to make sure it's me.¨Hey Kyo? Wanna see Tohru really embarrassed?¨ Haru says.¨Of course not why would I?!¨ I say and he shrugs.¨She might fall for you if you say it.¨ I look at him curiously and he whispers in my ear.

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