An evil plan......

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A/N *squeals like a fangirl* Im now gonna do Yuki's POV and its gonna get interesting!!! *Hands everyone tissues and popcorn*

Yuki's Pov

Damn it! Why didn't that work! I paid Nathaniel and Georgia so they can win over their partners!"Yuki I'm having second thoughts about this deal we made I said I would win her over not make her cry her eyes out." Nathaniel said looking at Tohru crying in Kyo's shirt. I'm sick of this princely character I keep up. But it's for Tohru so I have to do it. I tell the announcer to do a contest and she nods."Attention all ladies we are now doing the second to last part of the festival. A name will be drawn and who ever is drawn will spend 3 hours with Prince Yuki Sohma!" She said and thousands of screams could be heard. Misa the announcer grabbed a paper which all said Tohru Honda."The winner is... Tohru Honda!" Misa said and Tohru looked up. Kyo glared at me. She walked up to the stage and I took her hand."I'll enjoy this Miss Honda." I said and she became red. Sob could be heard and we walked into the school building."Yuki.." She said letting go of my hand. "Yes Miss Honda?" I ask curiously."What are we gonna do in 3 hours by our self?" She asked as she stopped walking."Whatever you'd like Miss Honda." I said and she smiles brightly. I always wanted to check out the music room." She said and she walked forward. I wonder how Kyo got her to wear that knee length white dress. I followed her and we walked into the music room."Miss Honda.." I say closing the door. I take off my jacket and she stares at me.I take her hands and pull her close."I love you and it kills me when you're with that stupid cat so make me happy and say you love me.." I say and her eyes widen."I..." she says staring down."I don't know..." she says and she sits down burying her head in her knees."What's wrong Miss Honda?"I say hearing sobs."I don't wanna hurt anyone You, Shigure,and Kyo. They all confessed that they love me.." Damn bastards beat me to it how the hell did I not see that!"I'm sorry Miss Honda" I say and she hugs me and I transform."Huh oh right I broke Kyo's curse but not yours sorry." She says picking me up in my rat form my face is pink against my white fur."I always loved your rat form it's so cute!" she says and I feel my face getting hot."Miss Honda.." I say quietly."Yes Yuki?" She says staring at me in her hands."My nickname.. can you call me by nickname.." I ask embarrassed."Prince Yuki" She says smiling and I transform back. She squeals and turns around. I finish putting my clothes on and say."You can look now Miss Honda.." I say secretly loving how squeamish she is. She gets up and flattens out her dress. She walks to the window and sits on the banister and stares at the full moon. The way the moon reflects on her dress is beautiful, I'm tempted to kiss her right now. I can't help it anymore. I'm done with the princely act. I grab her by the shoulders and pin her down. She gasps startled."Yuki..." She stares at me scared. I kiss her lips closing my eyes and I know hers are wide open.

Kyo's POV

What the hell would anyone do with that damn rat for three hours. Girls have been asking me out left and right. I know me and Tohru are not dating but I'm so protective over her like we are I look up seeing the music room window. Tohru always wanted to see that but we never had time to."Yuki.. what are you doing." I hear her gasp and I clench my fists. That bastard!!! I dart up the stairs and kick open the door. I see Yuki holding Tohru down on the floor."What the hell are you doing you sick bastard! You're worse than Shigure!" I snap."Kyo.." Tohru says scared. I throw Yuki off and pick her up. She hugs me tightly and I glare at Yuki."You okay Tohru?" I ask and she nods."Can we go home.." She ask and we walk out."Kyo wait!" Yuki says."I fell on her!" I look at Tohru and she shakes her head."Damn lying bastard." I say and walk off. We walk out of the festival and back to Shigure's house. Shigure was sitting outside a cigarette in his hands."Ahh the love birds return you didn't do anything to Tohru now did you?" Shigure glares at me."No but Yuki did." I say and she grips my jacket. I realize I shouldn't of said that."Oh he did,did he.." He said tapping his cigarette dropping ashes. Me and Tohru sit on the stairs and Shigure heads inside."Kyo.." She says and I look at her, her shoulders were red from Yuki holding her so tightly."Thank you for saving me again.." She says and kisses my cheek and I feel my face gets hot."Y-you W-welcome.." I stutter."I'm glad..." She says trailing off."Glad for what?" I ask."That I fell in love with someone." She says and I wonder who it is."Who?" I ask."You silly" She giggles and lays her head on my shoulder. I smile."I'm glad too Tohru, I'm glad too." I say and I see she fell asleep. I take my jacket off and wrap it around her. She smiles in her sleep and I kiss her head. I wrap my arm around her and fall asleep.

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