Crazy People

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Kyo's POV

              Hatsuharu went back to get Momiji and Tohru and I walked home.¨Kyo I'm so so so sorry¨ She said and I stopped.¨If you are really sorry show me.¨ I said grinning and she turned red. She stood on my toes and kissed my forehead and I felt my face get red.¨I forgive you.¨ I said and she smiled. We were at the house when I heard screaming. ¨YUKI WHERE IS KYO!!¨Damn it why now Kagura. Tohru laughed and she walked inside.¨Oh hi Tohru have you seen Kyo?¨ Kagura asked Tohru.¨Right there.¨ She said pointing towards me.¨KYO!!!! MY DARLING!¨  she said running towards me and I stopped her.¨I'm not your darling I belong to someone else Kagura.¨ I said and she almost collapsed.¨WHO IS IT I WILL CRUSH THEM THEN YOU WOULD HAVE TO BE WITH ME!¨ she said and Tohru gulped.¨If you touch her...¨ I said.¨If you touch Tohru..¨ Her eyes widened.¨Tohru?!?¨ She said glared at Tohru and ran off. ¨Umm...¨ Tohru said staring at her feet.¨You're not really gonna hurt Kagura are you?¨ she asked.¨No.. unless I have to.¨ I said she sighed in relief took her shoes off and walked inside. I took mine off and followed her.¨Oh Tohru Kyo your back!¨ Said Shigure. ¨Hi Shigure!¨ Tohru said smiling brightly. I glared at the stupid dog and Haru and  Momiji came in.¨Tohru!!¨ Momiji said running up to hug her she welcomed him and hugged him tightly. I guess I don't need to worry about about Momiji he is like a brother to Tohru. And Hatsuharu I don't  know about yet. Shigure I highly doubt Yuki is out of the picture Ayame I highly doubt. So basically I have to worry about Haru and that's it. Unless someone from school likes her.. oh well. Haru and Momiji left and Tohru went upstairs, being bored I followed her up. She saw me and left the door open. I walked in closed the door behind me and she started going through her stuff. ¨What you looking for Ru?¨ I said and she blushed at the nickname.¨Nothing really..¨ She responded. I chuckled snuck up on her and hugged her around the waist. She grabbed my hands and closed her eyes.¨ Ru?¨ I said smiling. She groaned and I could tell she was tired. I picked her up she squealed and put her on her bed. I went to leave when she grabbed my shirt.¨Stay Kyo..¨ She said tired I chuckled and sat next to her. She fell asleep on her bed and I slowly fell asleep on a chair. 

*Time Skip to morning* 
I woke up to something on my leg. I saw Tohru's  arm my knee and I held her hand. Her hair messed up again all over her face."Mornin Ru enjoy your sleep?" I whispered and she smiled."Mhm" she said half awake.

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