Valentines Day

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(Tohru's POV)

I smile and serve everyone dinner and Yuki is staring at me.¨Miss Honda you have a beautiful singing voice.¨ He says and he smiles I feel my face get hot and he starts to eat. Momiji leaves¨Bye bye Tohru see you in school!¨ ¨Oh Tohru I just remembered.¨ Shigure says.¨Tomorrow is Valentine's day so who is gonna be your Valentine?¨"Shigure ask and I blush. Kyo almost chokes on his food and Yuki takes a drink of his tea.¨Oh um I-I don't know yet Shigure, I still have time don't I?¨ I asked embarrassed.¨Of course you do and you don't have to choose a valentine either¨ Shigure says. I nod and eat my dinner. After everyone is done I clear off the table and wash the dishes. I look at my bandage I take it off and it doesn't hurt that much anymore.¨Sorry about that¨ Kyo says.¨Its fine.¨ Kyo looks in the living room to see if anyone is there.¨If that bastard from school bothers you again I'm kicking his ass got it?!¨ He says holding my hand.¨O-okay but can you let go of my hand please you're holding it tightly.¨ He lets go and frowns a little.¨Wanna go for a walk being caged up with this annoying idiots is driving me crazy.¨ He asks.¨Sure just lemme grab my jacket and a umbrella just in case.¨ I say and walk upstairs to my room. I grab my jacket and umbrella but don't walk downstairs.What is this feeling I get whenever I'm with Kyo? I shrug and walk downstairs. We put our shoes on and walk outside.

(Kyo's POV)

¨Look Kyo a full moon!¨ Tohru says pointing up and I chuckle and drop something by her feet.¨Huh? Whats this?¨ She said looking down. She picks up a tiny box and it has a necklace in it.¨Wow this is gorgeous I wonder who lost it.¨ Wow she really thick headed.¨Tohru I dropped it, it's for you,you were supposed to get it Valentines Day.¨ I said and she blushes.¨Thank you Kyo I love it can you help me put it on?" She ask and I nod. I clip the back of the necklace while it around her neck. Its a gold necklace with a cat paw on it. We continued our walk and I heard a voice.¨There she is the slut!¨ the whispering voice said.¨But she is with Kyo.¨ Another one said. Tohru walked closer to me grabbing a corner of my shirt.¨Kyo its them...¨ She whispered.¨It's okay Tohru.¨ One of them came out and grabbed Tohru's wrist pulling her away from me.¨HEY GIVE HER BACK YOU BASTARD!¨ I shouted.¨Ah! Kyo you should know we know what you do with supposedly innocent Tohru.¨ One said.¨WE DO NOTHING WITH HER SHE JUST LIVES WITH US CAUSE SHE HAS NO WHERE ELSE TO GO IT'S NOT LIKE WE JUST LET HER IN BECAUSE WE FELT LIKE IT!¨ I snapped and Tohru looked hurt.¨So you're saying you she only lives in your house because you feel pity for her?¨ One said.¨N-no we like having her there she cooks cleans and is just good company.¨ I say ruining everything every time I open my mouth.¨So she is your maid?¨ He said.¨N-no¨ ¨Then what is she is she your stress reliever? Your maid? Your friend? Or is she just some random slut you let in your house and soon your gonna ditch her for another one?¨ He growled.¨DON'T YOU TALK ABOUT TOHRU LIKE THAT!!¨ I said and punched the guy who was holding her. I grabbed her wrist and lead her out of the forest.¨Kyo..¨ She asked.¨WHAT!!¨ I snapped not realizing who I was talking to.¨Nevermind..¨ She frowned holding the necklace I gave her.  We arrived at the house and Yuki was staring at Tohru and I just realized she was crying damn I'm such a bastard.¨Miss Honda what happen?¨ Yuki asked.¨N-nothing I just got scared¨  She said clutching the necklace tightly.¨I'm going to get changed..¨ She said and once she got to the stairs she ran up.¨You bastard what did you do?!¨Yuki says.¨Shut up will ya!¨ I say looking out the window.¨What happen out there!¨ He asked.¨Tohru said I can't tell anyone so..¨ I say hearing something outside.¨Why would she trust you with anything!¨ He mumbles.¨Shut up!¨I say ¨What are you looking at anyway?!¨ He asked.¨Someone now go away damn rat.¨ I see them and they notice me and run off and I chuckle a little.¨Damn bastards.¨ I mumbled.

(Tohru's POV)

I look in the mirror my hair messed up and my wrist red from where Nathaniel grabbed me. Why does it bother him if I live with them anyway. Could he? Me and Nathaniel eww. I look at my necklace and smile slightly. I change into my pajamas and I hear a knock on my door.¨Come in Kyo.¨ I say.¨How did you know it was me?¨ He says closing the door behind him.¨Cause you're the only person who would come in after they saw me crying.¨ I say while looking at my wrist.¨I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier I was just angry¨ He says while rubbing the back of his neck.¨It's ok¨ I say and he sits on my bed.¨What were you gonna say?¨ He asked.¨I wanted to know what I really was to you if I was just a burden to you and the others.¨ I say looking down at my feet. He held my hand.¨You.. where never a burden to me or any other of the Sohma's remember that Tohru¨ He said looking straight at me. I nod and I can't speak.¨Come here Tohru I wanna show you something. He said letting go of my wrist. I follow him and we are outside again. ¨What is it Kyo?¨ He put a ladder by the roof.¨Go up there.¨ He said.I climbed up and waited for him.¨Look you can see the moon perfectly up here.¨ He said and I smiled.¨Also look at your necklace.¨ He said and I looked at it. The paw was orange with the word Tohru in the middle. ¨Aww thanks Kyo¨ I say and look at him. He is laying down looking at the moon. I lay down next to him and he smiles.¨Tohru what's today?¨He asked.¨Friday why?¨ I say and he smiles.¨No reason.¨ He chuckles.

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