Tohru Bullied?!

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* Timeskip to when Tohru can do stuff*

(Tohru POV

I wake up my head feeling better and a few days past. I look out side and and it's sunny.  I'm up before everyone else and decide to make breakfast for everyone. I cook a rice omelet and  sausage. We have to go to back today the winter break is over. Kyo and Yuki come down.¨Breakfast smells delicious Miss Honda need a hand?¨ Yuki says.¨Sure can you set the table please.¨ I say handing him plates, glasses, and silverware.¨With pleasure Miss Honda¨ He took them and placed them at the table. I tried to reach some spices for the omelet but they were to high. Kyo chuckled and brought down the spices.¨Here¨ he said.¨Thank you very much Kyo.¨ I said while smiling and he mumbles something. Haru and Shigure come down.¨Ahh our beloved Tohru can cook her delicious food once more.¨ Shigure says and Yuki and Kyo give him a glare.¨Miss Honda anything I can do? Its the least I can do for what happened.¨ Haru says.¨Umm lemme think..¨ I look at the sausage.¨You can finish cooking the sausage if you'd like.¨ I say smiling. He nods and cooks the sausage. I serve the rice omelet and Haru serves the sausage.¨Delicious Miss Honda I don't know what we would do without you.¨ Yuki says staring at me. I think I was blushing because my face was hot.¨Haru what did you mean it's the least you can do because of what happened?¨ Shigure says looking at Haru. I sink in my chair and he chuckles. Great he is black.¨Let's say my mind got the best of me and I was completely rude.¨ He says staring at me and I sink down even more.¨Tohru explain please.¨ Shigure says.¨Yes please do Miss Honda if this bastard did anything I will be sure to destroy him.¨ Yuki says glaring at Haru and I bury my head in my knees in embarrassment.¨Haru walked in on her while she was not done changing in her pajamas.¨ Kyo says angry. Yuki glares at Haru and grabs his shirt.¨Its not raining now so get out of here you sick bastard.¨ he said and threw him out.¨Yuki....¨ I say and he looks at me.¨Yes Miss Honda?¨ I look at him.¨He is waiting by the door.¨ I say and this time Kyo gets up and punches him in the stomach. Kyo slams the door behind him.¨We should get ready for school.¨"I say looking at the time. They both nod and all three of us head to our room. I change out of pajamas and into my school uniform. I wait downstairs for the others and soon enough the come down. I walk out the door with the others and Kyo suddenly says.¨You know you don't have to be that embarrassed about Haru it's not like he saw anything. He didn't see anything right?!¨ I stay quiet embarrassed.

(Kyo's POV)

Who am I kidding I think it's cute she's embarrassed but I would kill to be in Haru spot then. Damn it why is my mind so messed up.¨ I'm sure Miss Honda was just surprised it's different than Haru seeing you in a tank-top.¨ Yuki says and I nod slightly. We see Uotani and Hanajima and Tohru runs to them.¨Hey orange top. Hey prince.¨ Uotani says.¨Watch it yankee!¨ I say already annoyed.¨Hello Miss Uotani.¨ Yuki says. How the hell is he always this nice at school! Haru  walk up to us.¨Thanks for kicking me out earlier Kyo.¨ Haru says and Tohru looks down.¨Well you're the perverted bastard!¨ I snap and Uotani looks at him.¨What did you do to Tohru?!¨ She punched him in the face. Tohru grabbed her wrist.¨It's ok Uo it was an accident.¨ She said quiet.¨By the way Tohru someone wanted to see you in the main hallway I forgot his name though.¨ Haru says. ¨Its fine I have an idea who it is.¨ She says looking down. 

(Tohru's POV)

I walk to the main hallway to see who I expected. Nathaniel Brown a senior student and somehow figured out I live with Shigure and the others.¨You're so willing Tohru you knew it was gonna be me so why did you come? Did you want to see me?¨ He chuckled.¨N-no if I didn't come it would just make it worse.¨ I said looking down.¨Smart, but what should I do to punish you today?¨ He says.¨Beg.¨ He says.¨Beg?¨ I question.¨Yes beg for me not to tell everyone your secret.¨ He says and pushes me down.¨Please don't everyone will act like you are please don't¨ I say.¨Not good enough beg you slut this is what you deserve for living with three men by yourself!¨ He says and slaps me. I start to cry.¨Please stop it it hurts.¨ He chuckles and slaps my face again. I cry even more and he pulls me up by my hair.¨Kiss me you slut.¨ He says and I try to pull away. He pulls me in and keeps me there. ¨Don't resist this is what you do with the others don't you!¨ He says and kissed me and I cried. He pushed me.¨ Get outta here same time tomorrow slut¨ He spat and I got up and ran away. I ran to the others and hugged Uotani and Hanajima tightly crying in their shirt.¨Woah woah Tohru what happen why is your cheek red and your hair messed up?!¨ Uotani said.¨ I sense someone was hurting her.¨ Hana said.¨No duh I could of told you that Hana!¨ Uo snapped.¨Miss Honda what happen?¨ Yuki said.¨I-I'm fine just fell and people laughed.¨ I lie.¨ Are you sure thats all Tohru?¨ Hana says. I nod still hugging both of them. I let go drying my tears.¨Tohru you tell us if it gets worse.¨ Uo says and I nod. 

*Timeskip to after school.*

Uo and Hana went home and Yuki had to stay after school so Kyo was walking me home today. I see Nathaniel leaning against a tree chuckling mocking me begging to stop and I grasp Kyo's hand.

(Kyo's POV)

I look down at my hand and see Tohru holding it.¨Tohru you ok? Something bothering you?¨ I say. ¨I-it's just.¨ I stop walking and so does she.¨Just what?¨ I say and I look at her.¨I want him to go away!¨ She says and breaks down in tears. I look in the direction Tohru was and see a man laughing his ass off. Keep laughing dumbass you will get your share soon enough. I hand her a tissue.¨What did he do?¨ I ask plotting revenge.¨Since the beginning of semester he found out I lived with you and the others and he said he will punish me everyday for being such a slut.¨ She said and cried more.¨Don't worry Tohru I will make him pay.¨ I say and she grabbed my wrist.¨Don't he will bring his posse and you won't have a chance Kyo. Please don't do it Kyo.¨ She says and I can't refuse.¨Fine. If it gets worse I'm hurting the bastard got it.¨ I say and she nods.¨Don't tell the others about it okay I don't wanna be a burden.¨ She says letting go of my hand. I nod and we walk back home.  I open the door letting Tohru in first and shut the door behind me.¨Your home late what were you two doing?¨ Shigure asked with a devilish look and Tohru frowns. I slap him.¨Oww! Tohru Kyo is picking on me!!.¨ Shigure says and she chuckles a little.¨Miss Honda what's for dinner?¨ Yuki asked. She looks like she is thinking.¨Salmon and mashed potatoes?¨  She asked .¨Sure sounds delicious.¨ Yuki said and she looks at me and Shigure.¨Anything our beloved flower cooks I will eat.¨Shigure says.¨Salmon is fine as long as there are no leaks involved¨ I say and she nods and goes to cook. She has a weird look on her face and I can tell something is on her mind. ¨Need help?¨ I say and she jumps burning her wrist on the pan. I grab a ice pack and give it to her.¨Thanks and if you wanna help can you help me wrap this burn up?¨ She ask holding a bandage and the ice pack. ¨Sure.¨ I put the ice pack on her and wrap the bandage over it tying it tightly. She smiles and says¨Thanks.¨ I nod. How can she act so cheerful when she was just crying a minute ago?! I set the table for her and Shigure and Yuki stare at me. Yuki grabs my wrist and takes me and Shigure into the living room.¨What the hell Kyo?!¨ Yuki says staring at me.¨What?!¨ I snap.¨Am I not aloud to help Tohru?¨ Yuki looks at me unblinking.¨She is mine!¨ Yuki says.¨I think I should have the prize I give her compliments¨ Shigure says.¨Ok I get it every guy in the Sohma family is after Tohru!¨ I say and walk back in. I see Tohru and Momiji laughing in the kitchen. ¨When the hell did he get here!¨ I say.¨Calm down Kyo he knocked so I let him in he wanted to see me isn't that nice!¨ She says smiling and my heart melts.¨Hey Tohru can I help make dinner?¨ Momiji asked.¨Of course I can always use another hand Momiji.¨ Tohru said giggling.¨Momiji you can mash up the potatoes while I cook the salmon ok?¨ She ask and Momiji says while mashing up the potatoes  ¨Hey Tohru wanna sing our song?¨  Tohru blushes.

Momiji:¨Who's in the forest strolling? The birds and the bees sing Momiji. The frogs in the ponds are calling Momiji yes its true.

Tohru: ¨Who's in the forest strolling? The birds and the bees sing Momiji. The frogs in the ponds are calling Momiji yes its true.¨

Both:¨The trees raise their leaves together. Who needs the sun when we've got you. Who's in the forest strolling the birds and the bees sing Momiji¨ 

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