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„Senpai-tachi! We’re leaving now!” Kise and Luet waved at their senpais as they were leaving. The others would stay a little longer for practice but those two had something else in mind. Luet had convinced Kise to accompany her on a trip the recording studio, because the girl wanted to listen to the demo of her debut. It would come out within the next month and she wanted to make sure it was good enough.

“Hey Ryota, do you think that people will like me? I mean as a singer. I don’t wanna embarrass myself in front of so many people.” She looked down on the ground as she walked in a steadily tempo. Insecurity was spreading in her mind.

“Everyone will love you Mei-chan. Don’t worry about it.” His arm sneaked around her shoulder and he pulled her into a tight embrace. “Even if everyone leaves you behind, I’ll stay by your side.”

“D’awww thank you. I’m glad to have you support me so much. Without you I’d fall on the bottom abyss but others liking me would be great as well.”

“You can always count on me Mei, I mean Luet.”

“Thanks Ryo-kun. Just call me Mei. It won’t do any harm, I suppose.” She laughed lightly.

The two of them got out of their hug, being stared at by strangers, and continued their way to the studio. The sun was setting and crowded streets started to get emptier, except for the ones with bars, clubs etc. and as they had reached their destination, it was already dark outside.

They entered it after passing the security check. The interior was designed in a vintage hippie way, giving away the vibe of being in the 60’s. Kise was in awe, since he had never seen it before. It was Luets regular studio when she was still “Mei”, but she had never thought about taking a friend with her before. Not like she ever had many friends anyways.

Half way through, they met Luets manager. “Ah Yuuzan-san! Why are you here?” She didn’t expect to meet her manager. After all she thought he was busy.

“I’ve been listening to your demo, considering, I wasn’t there when it was recorded.” He frowned when he noticed his protégées friend. “And why are the two of you here?”

“Well I wanted to do the same thing as you and dragged Ryota with me.”

“I see but don’t take too much time. The studio will close soon and I doubt that they would mind locking it, even with you inside.” With that he went towards the exit, not even turning around again.

Soon after they had parted with the manager, they arrived in the main room. The recording space was huge and Ryota was all excited. “Woa it’s huge! Is that really where you work?” The boy was running through the room, curiously eying everything.

“Yea that’s my work place. OY DON’T TOUCH THAT!” Too late. A guitar had fallen down and shattered with a huge BANG into hundreds and hundreds of pieces. “OH MY GOD RYOTA! WHY DID YOU DO THAT? THEY’RE GOING TO KILL ME!”

“I’m sorry!” he whined out. “I’m going to take responsibility for it!”

The two of them were panicking, not knowing how to explain this accident to her manager or the owner of the studio. Luet deeply inhaled to calm herself down but Ryota didn’t make it any better. He ruffled his hair furiously, trying to think of something to cover his.

“Oy Ryo-kun let’s just tell them bluntly what happened. In the end we have to pay for it anyways. Okay?”

“Alright, I guess. I’m just a bit scared. Do you think the guitar important?”

“I don’t think so but still. Well let’s listen to the demo first or else we won’t have time for that left.”

Luet walked towards the mixer unit and grabbed the CD, which was lying on top of it. Placing it in a player, she played it. The happy tune made them feel much better and telling the truth about the broken guitar wasn’t even that horrid anymore.

“It sounds great Mei! You’re going to have a 1# hit!”

“I think you’re a bit too excited about it Ryo-kun. It’s just one of those mainstream pop songs.”

“But those are often the most loved ones.”

“Haha I guess you’re right about that, but let’s go now. We still gotta tell the owner about the accident.”

“Fine.” Both of them went out of the room and went towards the owners office and after explaining everything to him they were let off with a warning only. Supposedly the owner was in a good mood. Which was fortunate for them. They headed home and as Luet had reached her apartment, she fell asleep as soon as she sat down.


She woke up covered in sweat. This dream had occurred to her again. It frightened her to the core. Couldn’t it just stop? Maybe. Maybe not. As she got up, she noticed tears streaming down her cheeks. Nothing special to her though. It happened a lot. Almost every day she would wake up like that. Make it stop please. I want to forget everything. Anything, that reminds me of it.

Showering, getting dressed, eating breakfast, applying make-up, homework. Her morning routine. After she had done all this, it was eventually time for her to go to school. Taking the bus, she was reading a book, waiting for her bus stop to show up in the horizon. Being in a rather stressed mood, it was stupid to approach her carelessly. This dream just came back too often for her to ignore it. Maybe talking about it would help.

Entering the school grounds, there was already a large crowd, formed around a boy.  Ryo-kun…of course… Even though she thought about talking to him, it would be too hard to get past those fangirls and they wouldn’t have any privacy with those chicks around. So she walked right past him, ignoring the fact that he was even there. But in the end he saw her. Such a fiery red hair was unique.

“Mei-chan! Mei-chan! Wait for me!” He ran after her and the jealous glares of the girls were almost piercing her.

“What’s it Ryota?” She was looking at him with huge purple orbs. From the rebellious girl she had looked like the day before, was nothing left. She was wearing her uniform messily but now it was awfully cute.

“Let’s go on the rooftop. We still got much time left ‘til class starts.”

“Sure. Why not?” The two of them went to the rooftop, chatting lightly and as they had arrived, they sat down, finally unseen by his fans.

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