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„Oy where the hell did you get coffee and why do you have a mug with you in school?“

“Huh? I asked sensei for one and with a bit charm, I got one.” Sipping she walked besides her handsome friend.

“You’re ridiculous, did you know that?”

“Thanks, and you’re conceited. Want some coffee?”

“No thank you, kiddo.” Kise patted the short girl on the head as if she was a child. Certainly he was considerably larger than her but that didn’t mean that she would let him treat her like that.

“Hey! I’m older than you!” she pouted playfully.

“I know but you’re so short, it’s so adorable.”

“Shut up, jerk.”

The two teenagers entered the gym but to their surprise, nobody was there yet. “I guess we’re a bit too early Mei-chan.”

“I suppose so but I told you, not to call me by my real name when we’re in public.”

“I know, I know but I’m used to call you this way.” He picked up a basketball.

“Still…I’m not happy about it either. There’s nothing to do about it though. Let’s wait for the others to arrive. Hopefully I’ve finished my coffee by then.”  Luet sat down on a bench and drank her coffee careful, afraid she’d burn her tongue. Watching Kise, who was throwing some hoops, she eventually laid down on the bench sleepily and fell asleep.

“…..oy wake up!” A boy was shaking her and as her sight started to be keen, she recognized him as a boy she had met the other day, Moriyama-senpai.

“Huh…?” Rubbing her eyes, Luet sat up slowly. Everyone, except for the coach, had arrived in the gym already. Curious, all the boys were eying her. Well not all of them. In the corner of the gym were Kise and Kasamatsu, arguing over something. It was more like Kasamatsu yelling, while Kise listened and tried to explain the situation, though. “What the hell are those two doing, Moriyama-senpai?”

“Well Kasamatsu isn’t too happy about seeing you, you know. After the incident, that happened yesterday.”

“I suppose he will be even more pissed off, if he finds out why I’m here.” She sighed, slightly depressed about the thought that the boy despised her because of her inconsiderate actions. She didn’t mean to cause anything trouble.

“Why?” Her senpai looked at her, curious about the meaning of her words.

“You’ll find out as soon as the coach is here.” Suddenly Kise was sent flying, almost reaching the bench, Luet was sitting on. “Epic! Ryota can you do that again?” Excited the girl got up and went to hm. “I didn’t see it very well.”

“How mean.” He whined out, still on the floor lying, not even trying to get up from the cold ground. “I didn’t want to be hit!”

“Aww, poor Ryo-kun.” She knelt down next to him and patted his head carefully. “Get up.”

Behind them, Kasamatsu walked towards the group that had surrounded the girl as she was sleeping.

“Let’s start practice. Takeuchi-sensei will be late.” He surely was grumpy. This girl was there once again and he’d have to put up with her, if she didn’t leave on her own. It was not like he hated her or something like that but it was embarrassing to be in the same room with her, not being able to let his guard down, unless he wanted to get into an embarrassing situation again.

The boys went to do their usual training units and Luet remained went back to the bench she had sat on before, watching Kasamatsu with a slightly sad look plastered on her face but he didn’t noticed her because he was talking to a teammate.

“EVERYONE ASSEMBLE! I’VE GOT TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!” The club members jogged towards the man who had just called them, Takeuchi-sensei.

“What’s it sensei? Is it something important?”

“Starting today, Vaska-san,” he said, pointing at her “will be your new manager. Are there any complaints?”

“No sensei!” The boys were quite happy about having some cute girl as their manager. Expect for one boy. Yukio stared at his coach in shock but he didn’t want to be the only one to complain about it, after all it was his personal problem and the others shouldn’t suffer because of it.

“Now go back to your training!” Happily the boys went, to do the things they had done before. After about 40minutes they were allowed to take a break. Kise sat down next to Luet, who was scribbling something on a clipboard.

“What are you doodling?” He asked full of curiosity. It looked like some kind of formation to him.

“Curiosity killed the cat, you know? I’m sure you didn’t know that but I’m actually kinda interested in basketball. With nothing better to do in Germany, I watched many matches and saw some pretty nice formations, so I thought it would be nice to write them down, because I’d forget them sooner or later.” Stopping the scribbling, she handed the clipboard to Kise.

“Woa those look great! I never knew you could do anything except for singing and dancing!” Excited, he looked at the girl next to him and handed the board back to her.

“Thank you, jerk.” With a loud smack, Luet had hit Kise with the board. Suddenly it was snatched from the girls grip and as she looked up, she saw Kasamatsu, studying her drawings.

“T-those a-are pretty n-nice. I-I’m sure y-you’ll be a-a g-good manager.” Blushing he gave the board back.

“That’s the time he has said more than 1 sentence to a girl!” Kise was shocked but got hit by his captain as soon as he had said that.

Light heartedly Luet laughed. “Thank you senpai and please don’t be mad at me for yesterday. It won’t happen again. Promise.”

SO CUTE! He blushed even more at her approach. “A-alright.”

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