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„Eh that’s Kaijō High? So HUGE!“ Pushing her bangs out of her face with sunglasses, the girl looked at the school she would attend the next day. It was Sunday morning and Luet wanted to visit Kise. After the shooting he had told her that he was going to have morning practice and invited her to come by and of course, she accepted it, asking him to show her around later because she was going to enrol there. Just that she didn’t know where his practice was held. Disoriented she walked around, searching for the gym. Ten minutes after she had started her search she saw a large mass of girls, crowding at the door of a building, trying to get inside. Either way there would be some kind of event or someone popular and famous was inside. Luet guessed that Kise was to be found there, remembering how the girls always loved to look at him. She walked towards the crowd and slowly made her way through. Well it was more like pushing her way through the crowd. As she had entered the gym, she noticed Kise right away, playing a game against his teammates.

Stealing the ball out of one of his opponents grasp, he made a fast break, slipping through the other 4 players of the opposite team and ended it with a simple but effective layup. His fangirls squealed almost instantly, as if they had been preparing for this one layup all along.

Annoying… thought Luet who was slightly annoyed by the loud squealing which was caused by the other girls. For a few more minutes they were playing and Kise was able to score several times in a row, outsmarting his opponents but the others were quite good as well. Especially one boy had attracted Luets attention. Short and spiky hair, rather thick eyebrows, grey eyes and short in comparison to the other players but there was something else. He was the only one on the court who wore black high socks. She had never ever seen anyone play basketball, wearing high socks before.

As soon as the boys had finished their game, she sneaked behind Kise, raised herself on the tiptoes and covered his eyes.

“Who am I?” she said it in an overly girlish tune to confuse him. All attention was on them now.

“I don’t know. Maybe my girlfriend?” Of course he knew who it was but Kise wanted her to feel embarrassed and see her flushed face again after such a long time.

“Nhaaa I’m nothing like that. Sorry. Sorry. Guess again.”

“Luet-chan I know that it’s you.”

Slowly she let go and smiled at him brightly.

“Woa you aren’t even blushing! Who are you and what have you done to my friend?”

“Ah sorry the innocent twin has stayed in Germany “

Suddenly Ryota was kicked by the boy who had attracted Luets attention before. Ha started to yell at the boy he had just been sent flying.

“Who the hell do you think you are! We’re still in practice! I told you many times not to flirt with your fans here!”

“B-but Kasamatsu-senpai! She’s a friend of mine! I asked her to come by!” He whined out.

“Excuse me?” She tapped on the boys shoulder. “I’m sorry for interrupting your practice.” Luet felt the glares of the fangirls on her back. “I didn’t mean any harm and could you please stop kicking Ryota-kun? I feel sorry for him.” She looked at him from under her eyelashes, with a puppy face, to add more cuteness.

Abruptly the boy, who seemed to be called Kasamatsu, stopped kicking Kise and for some odd reason he was trembling.

Confused she stared at him. “What’s wrong? Have I said something bad?”


“You know, he has trouble dealing with girls but you can talk to me instead, dear.” A boy had placed his arm on Luets shoulder, smiling at her in a flirty manner.

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