Chapter 1- Introduction

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  • Dedicated to My friend Lauren :D If you haven't noticed...I might have used your name :) Love

Trust Me

I'm on my own. 

It's been this way for as long as I can remember. 

We were on the run, my mother used to say. At least before she left me. 

We'd walk endless miles and countless streets side by side stopping only to tie our shoes; well if we had any that day. 

I never knew what we were walking towards.

On a warm day in April my mother and I reached a park, next to a playground. I was 7 at the time and couldn't wait to take a break from the tedious walking and play there. My mother hesitated, then took my hand and led me to the slide, I anxiously walked beside her, with the band of flowers on my head that she had made for me, on the occasion of my birthday.

"Laura, do not as to take a step away from this slide until I come back." she explained sternly. "If I don't come back, you must keep walking. Don't tell anyone your name, and if anyone asks, you make one up." she told me, worriedly. "Walk north until you reach a place called Green Street." 

"Like our name?" I asked, confused.

"Yes darling like our name. Stay put Laura. I love you." She said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

I frowned. I never liked when she was sad. 

"Okay mama." I said in agreement, and I watched her walk away into the forest nearby.

I never saw her again.

My name is Laura Green.

When people ask what my name is, I say Lauren Greenfield. 

I'm on the run.

But I don't know what I'm running from.

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