New Kid In Town | c.h

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"Did you see the new kid in school today?", my best friend Fiona asked after I opened the door for her.

"Hello to you too. I'm great, thank you. How are you?"

She rolled her eyes. "Reaaaally funny, Lexie. So, he is soooo handsome. I'm not even kidding." She slumped on my couch and turned on the TV. "What are you doing, idiot? Jason is going to come over in like ten."

"I don't mind your boyfriend hanging around here." Fiona said absent-minded.

"Yeah, but you don't like him."

"Exactly." She turned off the TV again. "And do you want to know why?"


"Because I have that bad feeling about him. You guys are together since like two weeks? And he should be cute and sweet and totally in love with you. But he seems to be so uninterested. You know?"

"No, I don't. He is just not the kind of guy to show feelings and stuff." I put my hair up in a bun and let it fall down again.

"I know you like him for years now. And that you are super happy that he finally noticed you. But Lex, we have to face the facts. I know you don't wanna hear that. I am your best friends and I feel responsible for you to be happy. It won't make you happy for the moment but it will in future if you listen to me. I think- okay sit down first."

I rolled my eyes and sat down next to her.

"Good. Okay Lexie, I personally think that he just wants to get down on you and leave you afterwards. That he never was and never will be interested in a serious relationship with you. I am sorry, Lexie." She looked at me sad but very serious. I sighed. "I know that you think that." That was everything I said to her.

"Ok, girl. I should leave before Jason arrives then." She stood up and I walked to the door with her.

"Okay then. Hey, I appreciate your worries, F. Thank you. But, uh.."I shrugged.

"I got it. See you tomorrow in school. Keep your eyes open to see the new kid. You would absolutely be into him." She winked at me. I rolled my eyes again and opened the door. "I have a boyfriend, you know? And, I thought you said the new kid is extremely hot."

"Yes, well he is. Bot not my type." She grinned. "He is your type." I laughed and rolled my eyes again. This was getting a serious problem. "Shut up. Oh hi, Jace." Jason was stopping his car in front of my house and getting out of it. "Hi babe" he said. "And Fiona."

"Hello, Lexie's boyfriend. And goodbye. Good because it's good that I don't have to be near you." She quickly left. "Oh see ya, Lex." Yeah, she didn"t really try to hide her hate towards Jason.

"Wow, she really needs a therapy." Jason said and kissed me.

"Nah, she's not that bad." I smiled and pulled him inside.


"Okay so, wanna make out?" Jason looked at me bored. I didn't wanna admit it but Fiona was right in some way. He didn't really seem to be interested in something serious. He either wanted to make out or watch TV as we did right now when we were together.

"Let's try something different. Maybe going for a walk?" I said quietly.

He looked at his phone. "You know, I totally forgot football traing today. I gotta go." He stood up.

"Oh ok."

"Bye, Lesl-uh Lexie. See you." And then he left without kissing me or hugging me or anything else. I cried for two hours until my parents came home and I pretended just to wake up. I knew that Fiona was right. 100% right. Jason even got my name wrong. I had to end this. I just didn't want to.

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