Chapter 12

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Hallie's P.O.V

I woke up, how is it only Thursday? So much has happened in such a short space of time! It seems ridiculous really. Maybe New Jersey wasn't a good choice for us. We were all close before we came here and now we're all falling apart. However if I were given the choice to move back I wouldn't because I wouldn't have Ethan, Grayson or Willow and I wouldn't know what my family truly think of me. I walked downstairs for some breakfast and I could feel the tension in the air. Mom, Dad and Brandon were all sat around the table and only my Dad acknowledged me, "Good morning sweet heart."

I smiled at his attempt to make me feel welcome in my own home, "Morning." There was nothing good about this morning. I decided to just take an apple and leave for school early, I really don't want to stay here any longer.

"I'm gonna head to school early, got some work I need to finish."

I left the house, I didn't have work that I needed to finish but it got me out of there. I didn't know where to go, school wouldn't be open yet.


Dad: I know school won't be open yet but I'll let you off, have a good day!

Hallie: Thanks Dad, couldn't stay in there any longer

Dad: I understand, try and go to one of your friend's houses maybe?

Hallie: I will do

That's actually a good idea! I've never been to Willow's yet so I didn't know where that was so I decided to head to the twins house.

I could just about remember the way so I got there pretty early, I hope they don't mind.

I knocked on the door and as soon as I did it I regretted it, they'll get bored of me, I'll push them away.

The door opened and I saw Cameron, "Oh hey, Hallie! Come in!"

I smiled and thanked her.

"Are you okay?" She asked, looking concerned.

"Yeah but there's tension at home, I hope you don't mind me being here so early. I couldn't stay in there any longer."

"Yeah, its fine you being here. I hope you don't mind me asking but what's happening at home?"

"I had an argument with my Mom before I came here last night and then when I got home my brother started arguing with me basically saying that my parents are disgusted in something that happened a long time ago in Illinois so it was a bit tense round the table at breakfast so I left early. I just don't understand why it's all being brought up now! New jersey was supposed to be a fresh start!"

"Families can be so confusing at times! It's not fair them bringing something old up now!"

"Exactly! In a way I'm sort of glad that it happened because I've found out what they actually think of me but I hate the way they've gone about it! But I'm an emotionally strong girl, I can take it."

"Well you don't have to go through it alone, okay? You can come to us any time, don't worry about annoying us, it won't happen! The boys really have taken a shine to you and I know they care about you."

"Thank you, it means a lot! Seriously the people that I have met here are the best thing to have happened in New Jersey. I'm lucky to have people stick around through my difficult family! Literally the only person to acknowledge me was my Dad and he's the only one to not fall out with me!"

"At least there is one person to fight corner."

"Yeah, I'm glad. I've always been a Daddy's girl but I thought he'd back my Mom. I'm surprised she's not made him." We started giggling.

"I thought I heard someone else's voice!" I looked over to the kitchen door and it was Ethan.

"Good morning gum drop."

He hugged me, "Good morning, you okay babe?"

"Yeah, tension at home got too much so I left early."

"Aw! You want breakfast?"

"Erm, yeah please."

Once the twins were ready and it was time to go we left for school. We were about to go in the gates when I heard someone shout my name. I looked behind me and I saw Brandon. What does he want? If he thought he was gonna start a shouting match in front of the whole school then he thought wrong!

"Boys, I'll be back in a minute!"

I walked over to him. I'm not gonna start an argument here but I need to tell him to leave.

"Brandon, you need to go! I'm not arguing here."

"I'm not here to argue with you, I just wanted to say sorry."

"Well we'll talk later not now."

"Okay, I just didn't want you to go through the day thinking that I hate you."

"I'll come straight home after school."

"See you later."

I walked back over to the boys feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders but when I reached them they were whispering about something and stopped as soon as I got there. What have I done?

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