Chapter 15

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Hallie's P.O.V

Finally it's Friday! An end to this tragic week. I have one more day at school, then I can say 'I survived my 1st week at my new school!' It hasn't been easy but I've got there! I checked my phone, essential for a morning!

Willow: Fancy a sleep over tonight?

Hallie: Yeah I'd love to, let me just ask my mom

I went downstairs to ask her, "Mom, please can I stay over at Willow's tonight?"

"I suppose so. Are you gonna take all your stuff to school?"

"No, I'm gonna come home first, Willow will probably come back here with me."

"Okay, well, have a good day!"

I walked to school just like any morning and instead of meeting the boys at the gate I met Willow because she was the only one there at the minute.

"Hi! I can stay tonight but I'll have to pick my stuff up on the way home."

"Yeah, that's fine. My Mom and Dad are out so it will just be us."

"Ooo, what's happening tonight?" I looked to my left and saw the boys. I looked at Willow to answer, "Oh, me and Hallie are having a sleepover."

"Where is our invite?" Grayson joked.

"Erm, well, I suppose you can come if you want."

Grayson laughed, "Don't worry we know girls need their girl time." We all laughed about it. "But you know when you're talking about us make sure you put a good word in for me." He added with a wink.

I laughed and replied, "Don't flatter yourself Gray!"

Throughout the day I felt like the twins kept looking at me. I don't know whether it's just my mind playing tricks on me but it was making me feel self-conscious.

At the end of the day when me and Willow were at her house I was still thinking about reasons of why they might be looking at me.

I looked to my left to see Willow looking at me worriedly, "You've been pretty quiet for a while, are you okay?"

"Erm, yeah, it's just I felt like the twins were staring at me all day. I'm probably just being paranoid."

"No, I noticed that too! I think Ethan fancies you."

"No he doesn't!"

"Not to sound rude or anything but me and Grayson have been talking about this and we think you and Ethan have the hots for each other!"

I started laughing, "You've actually talked about it? You guys are crazy!"

"Yeah! We aren't blind Hal, we see the way you look at each other! And Grayson may have talked to Ethan about it."

"So you mean that Grayson has talked to Ethan about it."

"Well, yeah, do you wanna know what he said?"

"Not really but I know you will tell me anyway."

"He admitted that he likes you!"

"No he never."

"Yes he did! Now I want to know your opinions on him!"

"Well, he's alright I suppose."

"Is that all? Alright?"

"I guess he's good looking and funny and cute."

"That's more like it!! So is he a potential boyfriend?"

"Erm, I don't know. What do you think?"

"I mean, I don't think he's boyfriend material for me but I think you and him would be pretty cute together."

"Can I tell you something? You have to promise to not tell Grayson though!"

"Yeah, I promise I won't say anything!"

"Whenever I talk to him I get butterflies, I try to ignore them but I can't!"

"Aw! That's really cute! I need to get you two together!"

"Well, you're not gonna repeat a word of this to anyone! Anyway you and Grayson seem close!"

"We're close but not like that, seriously he's like an older brother to me!"

"That's a thought, I never asked you if you had any siblings?"

"Nope, I'm an only child. I wish I wasn't though!"

"As much as I fall out with Bran sometimes I'm glad that I have him!"

"That's what siblings are meant to do!"

"I suppose so."

"I mean look at Ethan and Grayson, they're so close but they have the odd fallings out."

"I bet that's funny to watch, I'll have to ask Cameron."

"Who's Cameron?"

"Their sister."

She winked, "Ooo, so you've been introduced to the family."

"A few times actually. They're all so lovely."

"I've not been to theirs yet."

"I've been invited once then basically just turned up twice."

She started laughing, "What do you mean 'just turned up'?"

"Well, I walked out of my house upset one night so I went to the park and when I got there Grayson found me and then we decided to go back to his because it was cold, so I suppose I was sort of invited then. But the second time I left for school early because of the tension at home and just turned up at theirs because their Mom said I was welcome anytime and I wanted to talk to Cameron."

"You like to make yourself at home, don't you?" She joked.

I laughed, "I sure do."

Throughout the night we had so many laughs and had a chill night. I tried not to mention the twins again, scared that I'd be questioned about my feelings again. Although now I'm pretty sure I have small feelings for him, but I can't do anything about it, I can't humiliate myself. I'm scared that I'm not gonna be able to look at him the same again though but if what Willow said is true then hopefully he is thinking the same. I am gonna treat him the same as usual because I value him as a friend as well as a 'potential boyfriend' as Willow would put it.

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