Chapter 20

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Hallie's P.O.V

As soon as we walked in the 3 of them swarmed me.

Cameron pulled me into a hug, "We're so sorry. We promise we won't mention it again."

"It's okay. I just needed a breather before I said something I would regret."

Grayson was looking at the floor and looked really upset, "Come here you marshmallow." I laughed. He looked up and almost ran into my arms.

"I'm very, very sorry, I won't mention it again."

"I was just being a drama queen as usual. But please don't bring any of this up again."

Willow spoke, "We won't. I'm sorry."

"Let's do something fun!"

That's how our pillow fight started. We all played for ourselves and didn't stop laughing the whole time until Grayson shouted, "Last one to the garden is a rotten egg!" As he started running I tripped him up so everyone else had a head start. He ended up being last putting on a fake limp for sympathy. We all started laughing.

He glared, "Doesn't count. Hallie cheated. Nope, not fair."

I laughed, "Oh shut up rotten egg."

Willow joined in, "Yeah rotten egg, be quiet."

He mocked crying and ran into the house, "Mommy! They're being mean."

She played along, "Oh my baby boy! Who am I gonna have to sort out?" She tried to sound tough and angry but it just made us laugh more. Grayson ran out and picked me up over his shoulder. I was laughing until I saw him run near the pool.

"Don't you dare drop me in the pool Gray!"

"Or else what?" I could feel his smirk. He threw me in the pool and I swear I have never wanted to kill someone as much ever.

As soon as I surfaced the first thing I shouted was, "Grayson!"

I was going to jump out of the pool to push him in until I saw the cheeky glint in Cameron's eye. I knew what she was going to do. I saw her make her move and a few moments later he was in the pool with me letting out a semi-manly scream. I laughed way too hard.

"You're evil Cameron. Evil, evil, evil!" He shouted, "And you, I can tell you knew what she was going to do, why didn't you tell me?" He asked pointing to me.

"What can I say? Us girls stick together! And why would I tell you? You pushed me in first." He laughed.

"Fair enough." The he dunked me under the water. It took me by surprise so when I came back up I started choking but Gray just laughed at me so I jumped on his back. 2 more splashes came beside us, I looked to see Willow and Cameron next to us, but where is Ethan? I looked around the edge of the pool to see if he was about to jump in but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, where's Ethan?"

Willow turned to face me, "Oh he went inside, I don't know what doing though."

I mouthed 'Ooh' but he didn't leave my mind. He still hadn't come back out almost an hour later so I went to see if he was okay. Lisa had brought us some towels out so I wrapped it around myself. I walked into the house and I didn't really know where to look so I just headed to his room, guessing at that is where he'd be. When I got to his room he wasn't there. I wonder he can be. I walked to the kitchen to see if he was there but all I found was his parents, "Hi, do you know where Ethan's gone?"

His Mom thought for a minute, "Have you tried the games room?"

"No, where's that?"

She laughed, "It's next to the downstairs bathroom."

"Okay, thanks." I made my way round the house to find the games room. Once I found it I peeked inside to see him sat on a beanbag on his phone.

I walked in and sat next to him, "Hey."

"Hello, why are you not outside?"

"Why are you not outside?"

"I don't know." He seemed down, like he didn't want to talk to me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. Just because I'm sat inside doesn't mean there is something wrong, okay? Go and play in the pool with Grayson." Why do I feel as if he's jealous?

"Correct me if I'm wrong but you sound jealous."

"Why would I be jealous?"

"I don't know, you tell me."

"Well, I'm not. So if you don't mind will you leave me alone?"

"I do mind."

"Wow, you're so annoying."

"Alright, I'll go then." I got up and walked out and I could hear him sigh. I went back outside to the others, "Oh here she is! Where have you been?" Gray asked, attempting to sound suspicious.

"I went to get Ethan but he's in a mood and wants to be left alone."

"Well, he's the one missing out so leave him to mope." I laughed.

We carried on messing around in the pool, showing each other all the tricks we could do.

"Hal, Brandon's here!" I heard Ethan shout from the back door.

Why is he here? He must have come to pick me up.

"Coming!" I shouted, "I'll see you all soon."

"See you later! Ask about LA!" Gray reminded me.

"Will do." I hugged them all then grabbed all my stuff to leave.

I walked through the house with Ethan and just before we got to the door he hugged me, "I'm gonna miss you."

"Why? I thought I was annoying?" I winked.

"I was in a bad mood." He laughed, "I'll miss sleeping buddy."

"I'll miss you too."

I walked out to see Brandon at the door and my Mom in the car.

"Hey Bran!"

"Mom's not happy."

Here we go again.

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