Chapter 19

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Hallie's P.O.V

I woke up to someone pulling all the bed covers off me. I opened my eyes to see who it was to find Ethan fast asleep snuggling up into them. I looked at the time and it was 10:30am, at least it wasn't too early. I could hear people downstairs so I decided to go down and see what was going on.

"Good morning!" I sang. I saw Grayson and Willow messing around.

Grayson smiled, "Good morning. Where were you last night? We waited for you to come into us."

"Oh, I stayed in Ethan's room. I didn't know where I was meant to be sleeping so Ethan said I could stay with him."

A cheeky grin surfaced Grayson's face, "We were meant to be staying in my room. We had it all set up and he knew that. He just wanted to spend time with you."

"No he didn't, you should have seen him, he was so tired he was probably just confused or forgot."

"That's what he wants you to think."

"You have a vivid imagination kidda."

Just as we finished the conversation Ethan walked through the door, "Good morning pretties."

I smiled, "Good morning!"

Grayson chuckled, "Good morning, 'I don't know where you'll be staying, just stay in my bed' boy."

Poor Ethan looked confused, "What?"

"You knew we were all staying in my room but you wanted Hallie all for yourself."

"I was half asleep, leave me alone."

I looked to Ethan, "I did try telling him that."

"Don't worry, he just has a wild imagination."

Cameron shouted, "Little miss Hallie come here a minute!"

"Aye up, princess is calling."

I ran upstairs. I haven't even seen her this morning and why didn't she shout Willow?

I entered her room to see her and Willow smiling like cat that got the cream. When did Willow get here?

She spoke in a mysterious voice, "So, Willow here, told me you stayed in my brother's room last night." I nodded kind of scared at what was going to come next.

Her facial expression then changed, "So what happened!?" She sounded so excited.

"Nothing." I answered truthfully.

"Not even a cheeky kiss?"

"Not even a cheeky kiss."

"Oh wow, I'm disappointed in the guy. There was a chance and he didn't take it."

"Shut up." I laughed, "We were tired and even if he wasn't he's not into me so he wouldn't do that anyway."

"That's what you think."

We could hear the twins running up the stairs so I signalled for them to end the conversation. Before I knew it the door burst open, "Hallie, we need to do that project."

I groaned, "Do we have to?"

Grayson put on a baby voice, "Aw, does little Hallie not want to do the project and be a naughty girl?"

"It's so boring though."

"I know sweetie. We'll literally do like an hour on it then we'll look for a holiday."

"Okay then."

*2 hours later*

I can hear Ethan, Willow and Cameron laughing about something in the living room whilst me and Grayson were working hard in the kitchen. I don't usually whine but in this situation I had to, "Gray, you said we'd only be doing this for an hour, it's been 2!"

"Right let's finish then. This is seriously like the most boring topic to have been chosen."

"I know, please can we look for holidays now."

"Yeah, go and ask Ethan to get it up, I'll just tidy this up."

I ran into the living room and jumped next to Ethan, "Please can you get the holidays up?"

He smiled, "Of course I can gum drop." He said, mocking me. I playfully glared at him whilst he had a cheeky smile on his face.

"Flights from here to LA are around $330, then I'm sure we'll be able to find a cheap hotel. Do you reckon you'll be able to get that much?"

Cameron frowned, "Have you asked Mom and Dad yet? It will cost them loads because I'll have to come too!"

Ethan smiled, "Already asked, Me and Gray have some money to put towards it, I'm sure you can give some too." He looked to me, "What are you thinking?"

"Yeah, I can do that. My grandparents gave me and Bran $1000 each when we left so if they complain too much then I can afford it anyway. I just need to play on it but Bran said he'd put a good word in for me. Willow?"

"I'm an only child I can basically do what I want no matter the price."

"Then we're all good. Talk to your parents as soon as possible and then we can go."

I thought for a minute, "Wait, when are we actually going?"

"These flights are for summer next year. Hopefully this gives us time to sort everything."

"Sounds good. I'll talk to my Dad about it when I get home."


I stayed sat with Ethan whilst looking at places to stay in. I was literally snuggled right up next to him, only to the screen, but obviously the others thought it was more. It's starting to get annoying. It'll end up with him not wanting to be near me in case they say something and then I will have lost a friend, a best friend. They started wolf whistling and it was the final straw. I just stood up without a word and walking outside. I needed to calm down before I say something and lose them all. I just sat on their drive, enjoying the peacefulness. Well as peaceful as it could get. I could hear shouting inside, "I told you if you kept making comments you'd push her away! You may not realise but she's my best friend and I need her!" Ethan.

"I didn't mean for her to storm out! I wouldn't have done it if I knew this would be the outcome, she's my best friend too you know!" Aaand Grayson.

"But she's closer to me!"

"Now is not the time to be arguing over who's her bestest friend! We need to make sure she is okay!" Cameron shouted, silencing everyone. I didn't hear anything after that until I saw the door open. Ethan stepped out first and spotted me straight away.

"You lot go back in, I'll talk to her." They all nodded, not saying a word but smiling at me.

Ethan sat down next to me and put his hand out for me to take. It was like a way of asking 'is it okay to talk?' because as soon as I held his hand he started talking.

"Are you okay?"

I didn't really feel like talking, "Yeah."

"No, you're not."

"I don't want their comments to push you away and I don't want you to distance yourself from me because you're my best friend." My eyes started to water.

"That won't happen, you're my best friend too."

"It's annoying. I can't talk to you without a comment being made, it's not funny anymore."

"I know Hal. They'll get bored soon. But I promise I won't leave you."

I put my head on his shoulder and we just sat in silence.

"Should we go back in?" I nodded. He got up still holding my hand and pulled me up. Here we go.

New Life, New Jersey / Dolan Twins FanficWhere stories live. Discover now