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            The next morning I woke up to a sunny sky peeking through the pale blue curtains in the room. I rolled over to find Ed still soundly asleep, and to see that the alarm clock read almost twelve in the afternoon. I slowly made myself out of the bed, not waking Ed, and shuffled along to the bathroom. The sight in front of me was a mess. I must have fallen asleep with my makeup still on, because I had dark black smudges all over my porcelain skin. My hair was another story, it was matted down because I hadn’t washed it yet, and look awful. That was just one of the great things about having fine hair, you always needed to wash it. And I am using sarcasm.

            I quietly tip-toed out to the room and grabbed my toiletries bag and some clothes. I made sure not to wake Ed because, after our pillow fight, I kept him up almost all night by talking. He was truly a great listener. He would just lay there and listen to me rant about how much Olivia truly got under my skin. We also talked about our childhoods and things in that manner. Just trying to know each other more.

            I stepped out of steaming shower, now clean and makeup free, and slipped on the clothes I had brought. I suddenly remembered that my makeup was still in the room with Ed. I glanced at my face and shuttered, I had always hated not wearing makeup. I guess it stemmed from the fact that in high school, I always felt the need to cover up any imperfection to fit in with the ‘in crowd’.

            “It’s ok, Addie.” I mumbled to myself. “Ed’s still asleep, just sneak out there and get your makeup.” But just as I had said that, I heard Ed waking up. I couldn’t stay in the bathroom forever so I decided that the best solution would be to just run out there and grab what I needed before Ed could see me.

            I took a deep breath, then flung the door open and ran face down to where my bags were. I was almost to my bags when I must have ran into a very dazed Ed, and we both hit the floor. He landed on the bottom and was gripped my sides, so I wouldn’t get hurt.

            “Addie, what are you doing?” he asked, concerned as to why I was squirming to get out of his grasp.

            “Nothing, I’m fine.” I stuttered, not letting Ed look at my face.

            “Addison, what’s wrong.” He said pulled my face so he could look at me.

            He looked into my eyes and I swear I saw him make a disgusted face, because he had seen my naked face. I immediately burst into tears, and uncontrollable sobs.

            “Addison, what happened? Are you hurt?” Ed asked, as he lifted me up and sat me beside him. I could see him scanning over me to make sure I was ok. “Addison,love, what is the matter?”

            “Ed, don’t look at me please.” I begged, as I tried to stop my crying.

            “Why not?” He ignored my request and cupped my chin with one hand, so we could make eye contact.

            “Ed, stop.” I begged, and looked away. Ashamed that I wasn’t pretty enough.

            “Addison tell me what is the matter, I’m worried for you.” He brought my face to meet his once again. “Just tell me, please.”

            “Ed. I don’t have on any makeup. I’m not pretty enough for you.” I sobbed, then buried my face in my hands.

            “Addie, look at me.” He demanded. And when I refused, he jerked my head up. “Addison, I don’t know what would make you think that, but you need to stop. You are beautiful, and I couldn’t even tell you weren’t wearing makeup.”

            “You’re lying.” I spat back, still crying.

            “Come with me.” We got up, and he led me to the bathroom. We stood in front of the mirror, as my tears slowly started to stop. “Look into that mirror. What do you see?”

            “I see someone who is ugly.” I muttered.

            “No, you are not ugly. I don’t know why you would believe that, but you’re not. Addison you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met in my life.” Ed tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “And you look better without any makeup on.”

            A few tears slid down my cheeks, at Ed’s kind words of encouragement. I turned around to face him and smashed my lips to his. “Thanks.” I squeaked and smiled, after we parted.

            “I mean it,” he smiled back. “Now come on let’s go exploring.”

            We walked along the beach, the cold wind nipping at our exposed skin. Being on the coast it was slightly colder, and I was only wearing a thin jacket. We walked barefoot, shoes in one hand and the others hand in the opposite. The cold, wet sand sank beneath us as we, silently, pondered all that was in life.

            “Addie, want to go swimming?” He asked, as we made our way back to the cabin.

            “Don’t you think it’s a little cold?” I asked, hoping to avoid putting on that bathing suit.

            “Nope, now come on I want to go swimming.”

            We raced back to our cabin, and I went to change in the bathroom while Ed changed in our room. The bathing suit I had was a turquoise blue tankini top with white bottoms. As I slipped on the suit, I mentally prepped myself. When I looked in the mirror, I gave a frustrated sigh and cursed under my breath.   

            “You alright in there?” asked Ed, from the other side of the door. He must have heard me.

            “Yeah, fine.” I snipped, trying to make him go away.

            “Are you dressed?”

            “Yeah, wh-“ I was cut short by Ed barging in. He stopped in his tracks. “You look hot.” He muttered.

            I blushed a deep shade of red, and scoffed.

            “No you really do, don’t worry about it” He came over to me and kissed my cheek.

            “Easy for you to say, you’re wearing a shirt and swim truck. I’m the one barely wearing anything.” I referred to the fact that he was wearing an outfit that could have passed for an everyday outfit for him.

            “Ok one, I wearing a shirt because I have been smoking, drinking, and consuming large amount of fast food since I was sixteen. And two, because I don’t want to get a sunburn.” He sassed back.

            “I didn’t know you smoked?” I was confused. “You’ve never smelt like cigarettes.”

            “Yeah, it’s not like a pack a day, plus I haven’t when I was around you because I don’t them to hurt you.” He was staring down at the ground.

            “Well I may not be able to stop your smoking habits, but I can defiantly change the food part. Once we get back to London, I’m cooking you an home-style southern dinner.” I made sure I brought out my southern accent for those last three words.

            Ed started laughing. “Sorry, I didn’t know that you were that country.”

            I playfully punched him in the arm. “Southern, sassy, and willing to defend myself if anyone picks on me. So choose your battles wisely, Teddy.” I smirked at the new nickname I had given him.

            “Alright, alright.” He had stopped laughing. “Peggy-Sue, let’s go swimming.”

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