Dorm life

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The next morning I woke up, on the couch, with my head on Ed's chest and his arms wrapped around me.

"Good morning lovely." He let out in a yawn.

"Did I sleep over?" I asked as I stretched my limbs.

"Yeah, it's fine though. I had a great first date last night." He stroked my hair as he wrapped me in his arms.

"Me too, but I still don't really know anything about you." I said as I snuggled closer. "I hope you don't get the idea I spend the night at random guys houses."

He laughed. "Well lets see, I'm a musician and-" I cut him off.

"Ed Sheeran!" It finally dawned on me who he was. " You're Ed Sheeran, my God. All last night I almost went crazy trying to remember where I knew you from. But now I remember, one of my friends back hone was telling me how she saw you in concert and begged me to go see you in concert while I was here. Anyway, continue please."

He laughed. It was cute and but manly. "I like to write music, my favorite color is green, and I love everything about America and I think American girl are probably the hottest people in the world."

I blushed a shade of red and smiled at him. Then it hit me. I hadn't gone back to my dorm last night. My dorm advisor was going to kill me. For some reason I got stuck with this crazy strict dorm advisor. She was in her late thirties, a classic cat lady. Wore ugly sweaters and mom jeans with, the always stylish, loafers.

"I have to go!" I shrieked and jumped up. "My dorm advisor is going to kill me! I'm not suppose to stay out all night."

"Let me drive you home." He pleaded. He gave me a puppy dog look.

"If she sees I was with a guy, she will probably-No. She will report me and they will make me leave." I confessed.

"What are you talking about." He was confused.

"I'm studying in a very serious program. No drinking, no getting high, and especially no staying out all night with guys." I explained. "It's a small price to pay to see the world." I then realised, I was wasting time. "Shoot what time is it?" I asked, then grabbed Ed's arm to look at his watch. "Almost noon! I'm dead!" I screamed then ran to change my clothes.

I ran into Ed's room and found my dress still on the floor, where I left it. I started to attempt to unzip the onesies. And I was failing.

"What are you doing?" Ed asked, as he stood in the door way with his arms crossed over his chest, with an amused tone.

"I'm trying to change, so get out you pervert." I joked and unzipped the back zipper all the way.

Ed came up from behind me and zipped it back up. "Wear it," He purred in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "It looks good on you. Plus, it gives me an excuse to see you again." He smiled then took my hand. "Now let's get you back to your dorm."

"Thanks for dropping me off, I had an amazing time last night." I confessed, after he drove me back to my dorm. We were sitting in his car, and I was waiting for the rain to stop pouring down. I still wasn't used to this rainy weather, so I never had an umbrella with me.

"I'm glad you did, because I'm going to be completely honest with you. That was my ideal first date. I don't think it could have been more perfect." He started to ramble then stopped himself. "I'm sorry, I'm rambling." He confessed with a scared look.

"No, it's fine. I love hearing your voice. It sounds beautiful." I said and smiled at him. The rain had finally stopped pouring, and I knew that short break wouldn't last for long. "The rain stopped, I better get back in before it starts again." I started to open the door, but Ed stopped me.

He was clutching my arm like his life depended on it. "Wait, I want to see you again." His eyes pleaded with mine.

"You know where to find me." I said with a smirk then got out of the car and ran past puddles of rain water and up to my dorm.

It was a typical dorm building. Brick exterior with the, always, classic egg shell white wall interior. There were three stories and mine was on the bottom, which would later come in handy for when I needed to sneak out. All the students were from America and we all shared a room with someone of the same gender. I shared a room, with , probably, the worlds most snotty rich kid ever. Her names was Olivia Summerfield. She was a classic upper class girl. She lived in uptown New York, and had the world at her fingertips with her Daddy's money. Everything about her was fake. She had fake dyed blonde hair, fake nails, a fake nose, and even a fake spray tan. I mean, for Christ's sakes, we were in England everyone here is pretty much pale. So why spend money to go around looking like an oompa lumpa? But the thing that made me the most upset, was her fake grades. Because Daddy could buy her whatever she wanted, he payed off people to do her homework for her and I even heard that he bribed people to raise her SAT scores. These were all just rumors, but I wouldn't doubt it. She was smart, but defiantly not smart enough to make an almost perfect SAT score.

"Where were you?" Asked Olivia, as soon as I stepped inside our room.

"It doesn't concern you." I mumbled, and threw my dress in my dirty laundry hamper. All I wanted to do was go get some coffee. I think I was developing an addiction to caffeine.

"You broke curfew." She spat, as she started to paint her nails and obnoxious pink color. Pink would have been fine, if it weren't on her. "You know I could report you. You would be sent back to your little hick town." She said with pure malice. And she noticed I was wearing someone else's clothes. "Who's clothes are you wearing? Are those guy clothes? You were with a guy, ohhhh I'm going to-" She spat and had an evil smirk on her face, until I cut her off.

"Olivia, just shut up." I stated, with a sigh. "Mind your own business." With that, I slipped on my rain boots and rain coat. I just needed some coffee.

That next morning, I began my usual school ritual. I would wake up, get dressed, to to my classes, then to to the coffee shop. Usually, I would wear sweat pants and a t-shirt to the coffee shop, it was what I would wear to my classes so why would I change. However, I knew I might see Ed there, so I got up extra early and actually fixed my hair, so it looked decent. I put on makeup, and I slipped on a nice green wide strapped tank top and a pair of nice jeans, and I finished off my outfit with a pair of black TOMS. The same ones that got coffee spilt on them, but I had somehow managed to get the stain out.

"Are you a new student, I don't think I've seen you around here?" Asked a guy in my history lecture, as I sat down in my seat.

"No, I'm Addie Winters. I've been in here, for like a week." I smiled at the poor kid.

"Addie, wow! You clean up nice." He said in a cocky tone. Causing me to blush. "Want to go get something to drink after this lecture?"

"No, I actually have a date with someone else." I confessed with a smile. That was something I had never been able to say to someone. And I liked the feeling.

Falling In Love at a Coffee Shop (Ed Sheeran)Where stories live. Discover now