The Sun

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"Thanks Ed." I smiled up at him, as I snuggled into his chest.

            "Anytime Addie." He replied with a mirrored smile, then it quickly turned upside down. "Addie, I need to tell you something."

            I sat up and turned around to face him. "What is it Ed?" Concern flooded my voice.

            "Addie, I like you, and not just a like, but I like LIKE you." He began to ramble in a hurried tone. Like I would stop him, mid sentence."And I've only ever felt this way about one other girl, and she ended up breaking my heart. But I think I'm started to fall for you, and I was just wondering if you like to be my girlfriend?" He finally took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. As his light blue eyes met my darker ones, I melted. I lunged forward and pressed my lips to his. Just like every other time we kissed, it sent electric sparks through my body. It was a short kiss, but just what I needed to get my point across. "Yes, I will be your girlfriend."

            I woke up the next morning, laying on the couch wrapped in Ed's arms. He was still asleep, and looked so serene. I slipped my way out of his grasp and went to the kitchen to begin cooking breakfast. A few moments later I was joined by a sleepy looking Ed.

            "I could have made breakfast, love." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. He looked like a child would when you wake them up early. He was still half asleep and his hair was going every direction.

            "Ed, all you know how to cook is fajitas." I stated, and began to cook.

            "Fajitas in the morning are pretty good." He simply stated, with a shrug. "So do you think Olivia will tell your dorm advisor that you didn't come back last night?" Ed was now seated on the counter and watching me with concerned eyes.

            "Probably." I sighed, knowing that Olivia was probably in our advisors office right now fabricating lies about me. "I mean, why does she think she is all that? She's not even that pretty." I muttered that last sentence under my breath as I began to plate our meal.

            "What was that?" Ed asked with a sly smile. "Do I sense a bit of jealousy?" He came around the counter and spun me around to face him. I had two plates of food in my hands, and nearly spilt them onto him.

            "No." I muttered, not making eye contact. Because if I did, my charade would be up. "Now move, or I will spill the food." I tried to move past him, but he stopped me and took the plates out of my hands and set them down on the granite counter top, beside him. He backed me up so I was pressed between him and a cold counter top.

            "Addie, look at me." He demanded, and when I didn't he lifted my face to meet his. "Don't be jealous of her, she may be hot to some guys." Then he leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "But you are beautiful to me."

            After breakfast, Ed and I walked hand and hand back to my dorm. He walked me inside and we were standing in the hallway, both not wanting to go inside.

            "Babe, you have to face her." He finally said, with a defeated sigh and took my hand in his. His large hand envelopes my smaller hand, and gave me a sense of security.

            "Come in with me." I begged, but before he could reply I was already unlocking the door and pulling him inside.

            The dorm was too quiet, I didn't hear Olivia anywhere. Her usual morning yoga music wasn't blaring through the speakers, and her horrible singing couldn't be heard. I walked in our two person kitchen, still clutching onto Ed's hand, and found it to be empty. There was, however, a pink sticky note stuck onto the cabinet door.

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