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I was sitting in my usual seat, waiting on Ed. I had ordered a coffee and was trying to concentrate on my book. Maybe he wasn't coming. I mean, I didn't tell him I was going to be here, I only told him to find me. What if he wasn't coming. Yeah, he probably wasn't going to come.

I was about to throw away my coffee and go home, when I saw a familiar head of fire red hair walk through the door. I quickly looked down at my book and pretended to be interested in it.

"I knew you were going to here." He stated as he sat down at my table.

"I'm glad you found me." I replied with a smile and closed my book.

"So how was school today, love?" He asked and then took my coffee and sipped it. That made me smile.

"It was same as always. Boring. But you know I lived." I said in a very dramatic tone.

"I'm glad I never went to UNI." He stated. "It sounds awful."

"It's not that bad, the only part I don't like is my room mate." I wrapped my hands around my cup and tried to warm myself up. I think I was catching a cold.

"Why? I thought that would be the best part." He wrapped his hands around mine, and smiled.

"Because she is a typical spoiled rich kid. Her dad has paid for her grades to be good so she can study abroad. And yesterday she told me she was going to tell our dorm advisor I broke curfew."

"Like a tattle tale? Aren't we a little old for all of this?" He asked.

"I know, it's ridiculous. I can't stand her. That's why I usually hang out in here all day." I said as I looked at him. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a red hoodie with a pair of black Converse. I noticed he had a little stubble on his chin, but it looked cute on him.

"Want to hang out with me?" He asked with a cute grin on his face and his head tilted to the side.

"Sure, I have to finish some homework first though." I said motioning to the pile of papers and books scattered around my table.

"Ok, you work on this and I'll be back. I need to go get something." He said with a sly smile and got up from my table. He must have known I would be watching him walk away because he suddenly started to walk with his rear poked out. Which cause me to laugh.

An hour later, I was finally done writing my literature paper and I had even done a few math pages. I had always been a little advanced when it came to academics. I had taken all of my firs year core classes when I was still in highschool, but this second year crap was hard. These teachers really didn't care that I was smarter than most, and defiantly didn't care that I was a younger than the rest of their students.

"Ok, you ready to play?" Asked Ed, once he had returned, and he sat a board game on the table. It was my favorite board game, too.

"Monopoly." I said in awe with wide eyes. "This is my favorite game!"

"Mine too." He said with the same expression as me.

We spent the next few hours sitting, playing a very long board game. In the end, I ended up owning all of Boardwalk and a lot more. Ed decided to walk me back to my dorm, because it had gotten pretty dark.

"I had a great time." I muttered as we stood outside my dorm room, in the hallway.

"Addie, I like you." He suddenly blurted out. His face went from a happy expression to him staring down at the ground and blushing.

"I like you too." I cupped his face with my hands and lifted it, so he looked me in the eyes. He smiled then his lips crashed onto mine. It wasn't a sloppy kiss, just more of a excited kiss. I heard the door open and and someone cleared their throat.

"Well, who is this we have here?" Smirked Olivia. She was standing inside our doorway with her arms crossed over her fake tanned chest.

"Olivia this is Ed. Ed this is the wonderful Olivia I was telling you about." I said letting the sarcasm ooze from my tongue.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Olivia." Ed smiled and stuck out his hand for her to shake. But soon dropped it when he realized she wasn't going to shake it.

"Must I remind you that you aren't allowed to have boys inside this part of the dorm." She smirked, as if she jus came up with this rule.

"I've never been informed of this rule. So, until that time comes," I said and grabbed Ed's hand. "Let's go inside my dorm."

I drug Ed past Olivia, who was fuming, and into our small dorm. It wasn't a typical plain dorm room. It had its own bathroom and a small kitchen. It was like a mini apartment, except you had to share a room. I led him into our room and we sat down on my bed.

"So this is mine and Olivia's bedroom. This is my bed." I said motioning to the bed we were sitting on. My side of the room was decorated in a pictures of places I wanted to go, and places I had been. I had a small twin bed, with a black comforter on it.

"It's nice and cozy." He replied and wrapped his arm around me. "I don't know how you put up with her." He whispered in my ear.

"With great patience, young grasshopper." I whispered back, and received a laugh from Ed.

"When is the next night you don't have classes in the morning?" He asked, as he laid back on my bed, propped up by a mound of pillows, and I put my head in his lap so I could look up at him.

"Wednesday." I replied, and started to fall asleep as he played with my hair.

"Want to come over to my flat and watch some more movies?" He asked.

"I would love to." I smiled up at him. This moment was so peaceful and quiet. I felt like nothing could ruin it. I was wrong.

"Oh my God, get a room you freaks." Shrieked Olivia as she walked in on us, talking.

"Actually love, I believe we ARE in a room." Smirked Ed, then crashed his lips onto mine.

His lips were so soft, yet rough at the same time. Like he licked his lips a lot or the wind had chapped them. Our lips fit together like two magnets. They were just so drawn to each other. He smiled, during the kiss, which made me smile as well. We were completely lost in this kiss, and we would only stray further from reality. He lifted me up onto his lap and I straddled his waist. My hands were wrapped around his neck and his were running through my hair. His touch sent tiny chills down my body, so I inched closer to his warmth. This was the best moment of my life, so far. Suddenly, I felt a moist tongue graze across my bottom lip. Begging for me to let it in.

I pulled away and smirked. "I have to study, save it for Wednesday."

"You're such a tease." He whispered in a low voice, then got up and left my dorm.

Wednesday was going to be the best day ever. And no one was going to ruin that for me.

Falling In Love at a Coffee Shop (Ed Sheeran)Where stories live. Discover now