Tangled hair

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After we finished cleaning the dishes, and spraying each other with the water hose on the sink, Ed took my hand and led me upstairs. Once we were in the bathroom, he stood there looking at me. He looked deep in thought, like he was contemplating a major decision. He looked cute, standing there, fiddling with the bottom of his sweater.

"Ed," I said, breaking his train of thought. "I need you to leave, I kinda need to shower."

"Oh yeah, sorry." He mumbled then walked out, leaving me confused.

I sighed, then peeled off my wet clothes and stepped into the now hot, and running, shower. I tried my best to wash out the flour and cookie dough, without shampoo, but laziness prevailed. I ended up using some of Ed's shampoo, it smelt like something a man would use. It was a mix between a deep musky scent, yet it also smelt slightly of mint. I let the water wash out the mess and Ed's shampoo, but it left me smelling like him.

I stepped out of the shower to find my clothes were missing. I wrapped a towel around me and stepped into Ed's bedroom. I found Ed, sitting on his bed, with a pile of clothes in his lap.

"I thought you might want to wear some of my clothes because yours were wet." He began to spit out words, quickly. "I'm sorry I went in there while you were in there." He was now blushing and looking at his brown carpet. He was nervous and his actions showed it.

"Thanks, Eddy." I smiled, giving him a nickname. And I wrapped my arms around his neck, then realized I was wearing only a towel. Ed must have realized that too, because he let go off me and handed the clothes to me.

"I hope the shirt fits, it's kind of small on me. And this is the smallest pair of sweatpants I own. And I don't have any ladies underwear, but I brought you this pair of my underwear. I swear they are clean, I just washed them and-" As cute as he was rambling, I cut him off by kissing him.

"Thanks Ed, now you go get cleaned up while I change."

Once I heard Ed turn on the shower I dropped the towel, leaving me unclothed. I had never really been a thin girl, and during high school I felt the pressure. In a world full of stick thin girls, it really made me hate the way I looked. I had tried every diet, know to man, then I finally decided to just exercise and eat healthy. After about a year of that I had finally started to fit in, with what I thought was the 'pretty mold', but that all changed my senior year. Once I had started to take college level classes, and stress out, I became a stress eater. I had gone from a size seven in pants, to a size ten. All my heard work, was now erased. The weight had only gone to two places, my hips and thighs. Leaving me with, what I thought was an ugly, pear-shaped figure. I would later learn to love my body, just the way it was.

I quickly slipped on Ed's clothes, just in time to find Ed walking out of the bathroom. He had a towel wrapped around his lower body and was dripping wet. His torso was slightly paler than the rest of his body, and you could tell he was always sunburned while wearing tee shirts. He wasn't fit, he had a slight tummy, but that only made him even more cuter in my eyes.

"I'll be downstairs." I said with a smile and closed the door behind me.

I sat on his couch watching TV and trying to comb my hair with my fingers. I should have asked him for a brush or something, but I didn't. My hair was naturally straight, but had a tendency to knot up after I washed it. I let out a frustrated sigh as I found my hair was untamable.

"What's wrong?" Asked Ed, as he walked down the stairs. He had on a pair of red and black flannel pajama pants with a black Journey band tee on. I never knew he was a Journey fan. His hair was also appeared to be freshly dried, and not styled. It was all swooped to one side, giving him a teen-heartthrob look.

"My God, you look like Justin Bieber." I uttered, then started to laugh.

"That's what's the matter with you?" He playfully huffed back, as he sat down beside me. "I look like Justin Bieber?"

"No, sorry. I just couldn't untangle my hair. And I got frustrated." I simply stated. "It's ok though, I'll just let it dry and comb it out later."

"Come here." He shifted his position on the couch so he was laying across it, and motioned for me to sit between his legs. I obeyed and sat with my back facing him. I felt his rough fingers begin to run through the knots in my hair. He wasn't always gentle, and received quiet a bit of "Ows" from me. But eventually he had my hair tangle free.

"Thanks Ed." I smiled up at him, as I snuggled into his chest.

"Anytime Addie." He replied with a mirrored smile, then it quickly turned upside down. "Addie, I need to tell you something."

I sat up and turned around to face him. "What is it Ed?" Concern flooded my voice, because I had never seen him look this upset.

"Addie, I like you, and not just a like, but I like LIKE you." He began to ramble in a hurried tone. Like I would stop him, mid sentence."And I've only ever felt this way about one other girl, and she ended up breaking my heart. But I think I'm started to fall for you, and I was just wondering if you like to be my girlfriend?" He finally took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. As his light blue eyes met my darker ones, I melted. I lunged forward and pressed my lips to his. Just like every other time we kissed, it sent electric sparks through my body. It was a short kiss, but just what I needed to get my point across. "Yes, I will be your girlfriend. And don't worry, you can trust me with your heart." He smiled down at me, relief and glee flooding his face, then pecked my lips once more.

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