Chapter 18: I Don't Want Anyone But You

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"Derek! Derek, Derek, Derek!" Stiles chants, shaking my arm.

I groan and then roll over and tackle Stiles.

Stiles mumbles something, but I can't understand what he says as my arm is over his face.

"What?" I ask.

He pushes my arm away slightly. "I said get off of me!"

"You woke me up."

"It's 9:00 A.M. And you said you would buy me food!"

I groan, I did say that.

"I have to run home and change." I say.

"Just borrow something."

I bite my lip.

"You don't have anything that will fit me." I say, though that's not the real reason I'm not sure I should wear Stiles' clothes. His scent mixed with mine like that, it would drive me crazy.

Stiles climbs off the bed, determined, and starts sifting through his drawers. He searches towards the back, and finds a large black shirt that says "stud muffin."

"Here." He smiles triumphantly.

I look down at the shirt and decide there is no way.

"I'll be back in five minutes." With that, I hop out the window, and feel Stiles' gaze as I run into the woods. It doesn't take me long to get home, Stiles doesn't live that far away, at least not for me, since I run faster than any human.

When I get home, I climb the side of the house, something that is not allowed, but I don't want to go through the front door and have someone hear me.

I open my window, which I always leave unlocked since that one time I woke up drunk and naked and had to escape my mother or anyone else finding out.

I climb inside and grab a black shirt and jeans, changing into them quickly and running my hands through my hair in an attempt to fix it.

I grab my wallet and jacket, then head out the window once again, heading back towards Stiles' house.

Once there, I climb back in through Stiles' window, right on time to see him take off his shirt.

"Sorry." I mumble.

Stiles shrugs and looks at me strangely.

"No problem."

He grabs a shirt and puts it on, then heads downstairs.

"Where are we going?"

"Where ever you want, I'm buying."

Stiles hums and scratches at his imaginary beard.


"Why there?"

"You wouldn't be saying that if you have had their food before."

I roll my eyes.

"Wait a second. You came in through the window, and you didn't bring your car. How are we going to get there?"

I smirk. I did this for two reasons, one it would be fun, and two I didn't want to wake anyone with the sounds of my car starting up.

"Come on." I grab Stiles' hand and pull him out the door. I lead him towards the woods and once we are inside, I turn to him.

"Ugh. We're not walking are we?"


Stiles looks around, as if seeing I have hidden tricycles.

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