Chpater 12: Wolfman

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The rest of the weekend I stay at home. It's quiet, all the time. No one knows what to say to me.

It's like that for the next few weeks, and while plenty goes on, it still seems quiet.

I also don't hear anything from Stiles, but it's not like I expected to.

I groan at the thought of going to school tomorrow. I'm not miserable, I didn't exactly know Claudia really well, and I wasn't close to her. Mostly I ache for Stiles. No one should ever have to lose their mom like that, especially a kid at this age.

I sigh and walk downstairs, smelling lunch and knowing mother will call me soon.

"Hello Derek. Would you help carry this for me?" Mom asks.

"Sure. Are we eating outside?"

"Yes. It's been such a pretty day today and we've been through so much I figure we could all use a little picnic and play time."

I nod and carry the things she needs me to outside, where she has laid out blankets on the ground.

"Would you mind getting your brothers and sisters? They're all upstairs." Mom asks. I nod and walk upstairs, knocking on doors until everyone is downstairs except for Peter. I sigh, not wanting to get him, but I do so anyways.

"Peter, lunch." I say. He swings the door open and smiles.

"Hello Derek."

"Hi. Lunch. C'mon." I say. I don't want to invest in suspicious creepy small talk with Peter.

He follows me downstairs, but doesn't shut up.

"How is Stiles?" He asks, we are now outside, and I am hoping being around family will shut him up.

"That's a pretty fucking stupid question." I snap.

"Language." My mother snaps.

"How do you think? He just lost his mom for Christ's sake." I pause. ". . . Besides I haven't heard any thing from him."

"Aw. That upsets you doesn't it?" Peter asks.

"Boys, lunch." My dad says. We all sit down, and I choose a spot as far away from Peter as I can. Kaylee comes and sits next to me, and the entire time I'm eating I pray she doesn't say anything about me loving Stiles. Of course she doesn't though, she's an angel, like I said.

Once we are all done eating, the younger kids go and play, tackling and play fighting with each other. Of course Kaylee kicks all of their butts, all while keeping her skirt clean. I remain sitting.

"Derek honey, you alright?" My mother asks.

"Actually yeah. I'm alright." I say, watching the kids and laughing as Kaylee sneakily comes up behind Daxton and tackles him to the ground.

"The full moon is tomorrow." I say.

"Yes, it is." Clearly she is playing hard to get, and won't say what needs to be said unless I directly ask her.

"What are we going to do? Has Deaton figured anything out?"

"Not exactly because. . . I mean there isn't really anything we can do. Sure we can do different chains and methods, but the not being able to control part is all within you. We just need to find your anchor."

"What if I don't have one?"

"Everyone has an anchor Derek, you'll find it." She says, touching my hand.

I nod. "So what's the plan?"

"We'll take you downstairs and lock you up with wolfsbane infused chains, double the amount we had last time, then if you miraculously escape, we will have all the doors locked and we'll spray the wolfsbane gas."

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