Gossiping about someone isn't right. It may even be personal stuff being said about a particular person, just imagine how condemned and awful that person would feel when the whole school, church or community knows some very personal information about he or she that was told to a trusted friend was spread abroad.
Not only that, but at times its just pure lies that are being said about someone for various reasons; it may be that you don't like the person, the person might have done you wrong somewhere along the line, or simply because others are doing it.
Avoid gossiping, it's not something nice to do to others; while you are talking about that person in such a way, you have no idea how that person will feel. Whenever someone comes to you to say something negative about someone else, just find some way to excuse yourself out of that conversation. It might be a friend, and to lose a friend for standing up for what is right, it is worthwhile. That's what Jesus would want you to do.If it's not positive, don't say anything at all.
Questions Christians Ask
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