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Nathan walked around Mukow with Talwyn. He was enjoying this weird city since where he was from,they didn't have city like this.He still had to wear his disguise of course since that alien with the annoying voice was looking for him.
Ratchet and Clank had to go look at a different part of the city. They were here to find out what Tachyon was up to.

People gave nathan a weird look as he passed by them. He was starting to get a little nervous.
What if they know it's me?
Tawlyn grabbed his arm and Nathan stopped walking.
"I wanna see that weapon shop." She pointed to it and he nodded.

Nathan waited for her to finish shopping. He waited outside and from time to time, Talwyn would look outside to make sure he was there.
Nathan looked around and something caught his eye. A bunch of people were crowded looking up at the screen. He was curious at what they where looking at, he looked back at Talwyn.

Seeing that she had her back to him,he ran towards the crowd.
He looked up at the screen to see Tachyon. He couldn't hear what he was saying because of the crowd,so he started pushing his way through.
"Excuse me...sorry.." Nathan was almost to the front when some agorian wouldn't move.
Nathan cleared his throat,not even catching the red alien's attention.

"Excuse me.." The agorian looked at him, almost like he wanted to fight.
"I need to get through..please." The agorian just turned back to look at the screen, ignoring the human that was shorter than him.
Nathan wasn't going to just stand there, with a slight push he walked past.

"Hey!" The agorian grabbed Nathan's shoulder.
"How dare you push me!" The agorian grabbed Nathan by the collar and pulled him back. Nathan elbowed him which caused the agorian to lose his grip on his shirt. Nathan tried to run, but was grabbed by the leg. Nathan lost his balance and fell to the ground hearing something break. It sounded like a phone when it breaks.

He opened his eyes to see the device keeping him hidden was broken.
"I-It's the human!" The agorian yelled causing the rest of the crowd to scream. The people started running pushing each other out of the way. Nathan stood up fast not knowing what to do.
Crap! You really screwed up Nathan!
Talwyn heard what was going on outside, she ran outside not being able to find nathan.

"SILENCE!" Nathan covered his ears, as tachyon screamed.
The rest of the people,along with tawlyn went quiet. Tachyon looked down at Nathan.
"Hello puny human,I have been looking for you."
Nathan looked around,and tried not to laugh.
"Um..puny? Last time I remember you were the small one." Tachyon heard the crowd giggle a little.
"Nathan Drake, this city belongs to are surrounded by my guards. So you either turn yourself in or die." Nathan looked at him,how could a small thing like himself have an army.

"Wait...these people are scared of you?" Tachyon smirked.
"Yes, Nathan Drake."
Nathan looked at the crowd then back at tachyon.
"Of you? ..there's nothing scary about you." Nathan stared at him with disbelief.
This angered tachyon.
"I'll kill you Nathan Drake!" Nathan chuckled.
" were serious. Well fine,I'm right here kill me." One of tachyon's guards walked behind tachyon.
The guard whispered something, Nathan was starting to get nervous.

"Well Nathan Drake, it looks like we have your son again. But if you turn yourself in we coul-"

"No!" Tachyon looked down at Nathan.
"If I'm going to get my son back its if I fight back!" Nathan looked at the crowd.
"You don't own this city anymore, because I'm going to kill you!" The more Nathan talked the more tachyon wanted to murder him.

"The only thing you're going to do is-"
Nathan looked at Tachyon with a death glare.
"The only thing I'm going to do is wave your decapitated head on a stick, in front of your weeping army!"
With that it was enough,to make Tachyon disconnected the call.

Nathan stood there looking at the screen,out of nowhere the crowd of people cheered. Nathan turned around to look at the people. Nathan looked at Talwyn,she had a smile on her face. A smile full of faith.

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