Holding hands like it was meant to be

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Hey Bridey!

You and and Mitch are so cute! ;)

Love you

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Chapter 4. Holding hands Like it was ment to be

Bridey's P.O.V

As soon as Alainne and Alex left I texted Mitchell


To: Mitch

Hey, so what time can

you come over at?

From: Bridey


My Phone made that woosh sound and I lay back on my bed. Ding ding! My phone went of two seconds later.


From: Mitch

Is around 6 good?



I smiled and starter to type back.



Perfect. Xx



I sat up and looked over at my wardrobe. What would I were? I didn't want it to look like I was trying too much. But then again I wanted to try a little. After about 20 minuets I finally settled on a pair of plain black leggings and a grey Nike hoodie. I realised that I could just be myself around Mitch and I wasn't going to try and impress him.

Once I got dressed I pulled my hair up into a pony tail and flicked my front fringe forward.

I sat down on my desk chair and opened up my mac. I logged into Facebook and started to scroll down my news feed. Alainne and Wade had changed their status's to in a relationship. Ana had checked into a club with Coltin, Alex had changed her profile picture.

My computer made a noise as an inbox came up.


How's it going?

From Alainne's IPhone



He isn't here yet

From Bridey's Mac



K well good luck let

me know how you

go! :)

From Alainne's iPhone


I logged off and swivelled my chair around to face my door. Then I looked over at my clock. Exactly 6:00. I was kind of nervous. I had had Mitch over so many times over the summer but this was different this was actually hanging out not just you know.

I heard a knock on the door down stairs and I ran down to answer it. Before I opened the door I took a deep breth and smiled.

"Hey" Mitch said leaning in for a kiss.

He kissed me on the cheek and I welcomed him in.

"Hey, so I downloaded some movies on my laptop the other night." I said.

"And I bought popcorn" he said with a smile and held out the blue packet.

"Triple butter?" I said looking at the packet suspiciously.

"Of course!" He said.

"You know me so well." I said taking the packet and walking into the kitchen.

"So what movies have you got" he said pushing him self up to sit on the bench.

"Ummm. Wild child?" I said putting the popcorn in the microwave.

"Nah" he said.

"Paranormal activity 4?" I said pulling out a bowl.

"Nah" he said.

"The lucky one?" I said as the microwave dinged.

"Is that the one with Zac Efron in it?" He said.

"Yep. Apparently it's really good." I said bring the bowl of popcorn over to him.

"K, lets watch that one." He said grabbing one and jumping of the bench.

Mitchell set up the bed with lots of pillows and made a spot for the popcorn and computer. While I found the video on my computer and got it up ready to play.

I put the compute on the bed, turned the lights off and snuggled under the covers with we're Mitch was.

He slid his hand into mine and I looked over at him. He smiled and I smiled back.

"I love you" he said squeezing my hand.

"I love you too" I said leaning over and kissing his forehead.

We sat their all cuddled up, holding hands for the whole movie. The people that said it was a good movie were clearly not actually watching it beacuse it was so sad. I kept crying and Mitchell had to continuously wipe the tears from my eyes.

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